YouTuber has channel terminated after troll takes advantage of platform’s policies

Meera Jacka
Troll outsmarts YouTube and has channel wrongfully terminated

A troll’s targeted attack has resulted in a YouTuber having his channel terminated by the platform through no fault of their own.

YouTube’s copyright policy intends to protect intellectual property, but the platform has seemingly left a loophole for trolls to misuse. For the time being, it does not properly protect against fraudulent claims, or so it appears.

This means that anyone posing as the copyright owner may declare certain property as their own, without sufficient evidence.

YouTuber Jay Kay found this out the hard way after receiving three copyright strikes, resulting in his channel being terminated.

Jay Kay tweeted about the incident on June 2; sharing the details of his channel’s termination, and expressing his frustration with the platform.

“I have contacted [YouTube] about this a few times, starting with when my channel received the first strike,” Jay Kay explained.

However, the platform seemingly failed to resolve the issue in time, and the YouTuber’s channel has ultimately been removed.

Reddit community 'Lostwave'
‘Lostwave’ is dedicated to putting a spotlight on unidentified great music.

To add insult to injury, Jay Kay is a member of ‘Lostwave’. A community that aims to accredit songs that are available, but have yet to be named or claimed by any particular artist.

The community hopes that by putting a spotlight on these songs, the artist may come forward.

However, Jay Kay has claimed he was not the only ‘Lostwave’ channel to receive false copyright strikes.

He tweeted, “I was not the only one, but so far I was the only one terminated.”

Popular tech platform YouTube
How can YouTube protect its users from fraudulent claims?

Tech platforms’ content moderation policies can sometimes be used to benefit innovative trolls.
And as Jay Kay unfortunately discovered on YouTube, automated processes aren’t always equipped to protect content creators.

For all the latest YouTube news, check out our page here.