xQc Agrees with Ninja – Does a Hilarious Impression of His Own Chat if He Streamed with a Woman

You can always rely on streamer and former Overwatch League star, Felix ‘xQc’ Lengye, to sum up a controversial situation.
After being dropped from his position as part of Dallas Fuel due to a number of bans he received from the OWL management, xQc has turned his attention full time to streaming.
His explosive attitude, relentless energy and unique perspective on life means he’s rarely out of the headlines, whether it’s for getting banned from games, smashing his keyboard or being swatted live on stream.
One of xQc’s underrated skills is summing up a controversial situation in a matter of seconds, either because he speaks at the speed of light or because he doesn’t care what anyone thinks.
On August 12 the Canadian streamer gave his thoughts on Ninja’s statement about avoiding streaming with women.
The world’s most popular Twitch personality divided opinions when he explained he doesn’t stream with the opposite sex because clickbait YouTube videos would be created to make an issue out of it, and potentially cause strain on his marriage.
While he was largely supported by his fans and those in the streaming community, there was a number who said it wasn’t helping women streamers by alienating them.
xQc doesn’t look at it that way, however, and sided with Ninja on the subject by doing a hilarious impression of his chat.
“If I was to duo with one of the mercy girls you get in solo queue? How do you think chat would react? “Oh dude, new mom? What’s her Instagram? Does she stream? What’s her name? Nice tits! Eat her ass! Sexxxx! Sexxx! What’s her Facebook? Can I send her a DM? What’s her Discord? Are you a couple now? Dude are you cheating? Is that your wife?”