Twitch streamer is broadcasting himself inside a cage for 30 days *Day 28 – End party announced*

The end is near for a Twitch streamer has confined himself in a cage for 30 days in an effort to learn self-control and cure his ‘addictions’ to unhealthy food and drink.
Streaming on Twitch under the name ‘Johnny_Now’, he explains that his addictions to soda and food are ‘disgusting’, and hopes the 30 days spent in a cage will help cure his issues.
Additionally, he is writing a book, to document his progress and show others how being physically locked in a cage can be beneficial, calling it “Into the Cage: Freeing Yourself Within”.
He calls the process a “self-improvement program”, as he essentially lives like a pet hamster, and has an assistant help him with meals and exercise.
He later puts on oven mitts, and explains his goal is to “restrain myself from myself”, because he is “hopelessly addicted to food, hopelessly addicted to sugar.”
And it’s not just unhealthy food and drink, as he claims he “would put Bob Marley to shame” with some of his other vices.
*Update – Day 28*
Johnny has confirmed that his time in the cage will end at 9pm ET on November 2nd, with a party in his flat surrounded by his friends.
Watch live video from johnny_now on
The description of his stream explains in more detail that he has become “a prisoner to my own desires”, and so is turning to physically imprisoning himself.
As for his day job, he says that he is “changing careers”, and has one month before his “next adventure.”
You can keep up with Johnny’s progress on his Twitch channel, as he starts day one of his 30 day journey on October 4.
He also appeared on Rajj Patel’s dating show, although appears to have suffered a tough time with the girls.