TikToker whining about Italy vacation roasted for “having to travel while travelling”

Molly Byrne

One TikToker went viral for sharing her rough experience traveling to the Amalfi Coast, Italy, and is now getting absolutely roasted.

The Amalfi Coast is arguably one of the most anticipated destinations in Italy, as National Geographic has explained the small coastline as having “quaint villages and enchanting views” that have been “stunning” for centuries. 

But anyone who has traveled to Southern Italy knows that not only is transportation slow, it’s far and few between, and walking is difficult given the steep hills, and seemingly never-ending stairs.

So when TikToker millenniallex, finally landed in the European country, she was stunned to find out just how much work she’d have to put in to get to her destination. Now, she’s made her trip even harder on herself, going viral for all the wrong reasons for a rant about her unpleasant experience vacationing in the Amalfi Coast.

TikToker said influencers “deserve jail time” for travel recommendation

The TikToker’s rant went viral as she described her route to just get to her hotel. First, she had to book a flight to Naples, Italy which is an hour-and-a-half trip to the Amalfi Coast where she would be staying.

This would come after first taking a train to Sorrento, just miles near the Amalfi Coast, to then have to take a ferry in “90 degree” weather, to lastly face the feat of all those stairs in increasing climates. The TikToker was not happy, to say the least. 

Not only was she upset that there were no direct flights to the Amalfi Coast, she was also displeased to be the one who carried all of her own luggage, saying that the experience was near “impossible.”

When she finally arrived at the Amalfi Coast, she was distressed to find that she would then have to carry her luggage, by herself, up “160 stairs.”

Millenniallex also said that influencers who recommended the Amalfi coast “deserve jail time” for misleading her, as she anticipated something much more accommodating.

After hearing millenniallex’s rant, viewers in the comments were quick to slam the TikToker for her ungrateful tirade, “[y]ou had to walk stairs????? Omg are you okay?”

Another chimed in and sarcastically lamented, “[i]magine having to travel while traveling.”

There were also plenty who admonished milleniallex for not doing her research before the trip, saying, “[d]o people not research before traveling???????”

While milleniallex may have her gripes about traveling in Italy, those opinions do not seem to resonate with her viewers.