Teacher goes viral on TikTok for berating “hard of hearing” student in Zoom class

Alex Tsiaoussidis
TikTok Viral Teacher Berate Student

A video of a teacher berating a student with hearing issues during a Zoom class has gone viral on TikTok, leaving thousands of viewers sickened and stunned.

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It’s hard to predict which videos have the potential to go viral on TikTok. It can be anything from dancing and singing to a hilarious faceplant. However, sometimes it can be something far more serious, like a confrontation between a student and a teacher.

Somebody posted a video of a teacher berating a student who described themselves as “hard of hearing.” For those who don’t know, it’s the term used to describe someone who acquired a hearing loss in late childhood or adulthood or has a mild case.

However, the teacher didn’t seem to mind or care. Instead, he was more concerned with trying to get her to pay attention to the class. He paid no mind to her circumstances, and it’s left viewers appalled.

TikTok Viral Teacher Berate Student
The student, named Ms. Salazar, described herself as “hard of hearing.”

“Ms. Salazar, I’ve been talking to you. Ms. Salazar,” said the teacher. 

“I can hear you a little bit,” replied the student.

“You can hear me a little bit? Why didn’t you answer all the times I spoke to you then?” said the teacher.

“I’m hard of hearing,” she replied.

“Why don’t we talk some time?” he said. “Why don’t you email me? We’ll set up a live Zoom, and we’re gonna have some real communication at some point in time, okay? Maybe you can have your counselor join us. Okay? Do you hear me?” 

“Yes,” she replied.

“Professor! She’s actually hard of hearing, so her translator goes in a little bit late. She can’t respond right away,” said another student.

TikTok Viral Teacher Berate Student
The teacher’s words left thousands of people sickened.

“She’s not paying attention! She’s not trying. Are you her translator, Abygail?” said the teacher.”

“It’s slower on her end because she needs to get it translated, and then it goes to her hearing piece,” said the other student. 

“Okay, Ms. Salazar. Have your counselor speak with me because you got too much distraction to even understand what’s going on,” said the teacher. 

“Yes, I do. Because my translator is next to me explaining everything that you’re saying to me,” she replied.

“Okay, then maybe just have them teach you the whole class,” said the teacher. “That makes sense to me. I don’t know. I don’t understand it. But I see you laughing and smiling and giggling with somebody else. It doesn’t seem to me like…”

“Because I’m in a good mood. Like, why should I be in a bad mood?” she replied.

“You shouldn’t be in a bad mood. You should be paying attention to the class,” said the teacher. “Alright, whatever. Have your counselor talk to me.”

The person who shared the video said they were “beyond disgusted” with how he treated her.

But she’s not the only one. Thousands of others agreed, too, and the sentiment on shared on multiple social media platforms.

The teacher has been identified as someone who works at Ventura College, who are yet to comment on the situation.