Streamers baffled by Twitch ban on words like ‘simp’ and ‘virgin’

Jacob Hale
Twitch ban words simp virgin incel, timthetatman nickmercs neekolul

Several streamers, esports pros and top influencers in the space have been left scratching their heads over Twitch’s bizarre decision to ban words like ‘simp’ and ‘virgin.’

The new policy was first announced on December 16 by Twitch COO Sara Clemens, with plans to come into action on January 22, during the company’s ‘Town Hall’ Twitch stream.

Clemens said: “Using terms like simp, incel, or virgin as an insult to negatively refer to another person’s sexual activity is not allowed under this new policy,” in an attempt to negate the effects of cyberbullying and negative behavior on the platform.

As you can imagine, the wider gaming and streaming community found this particular snippet of information very interesting and, for a large portion, actually rather funny.

Many of the best responses, though, came from those whom it would directly affect, so let’s take a look at what the streamers and influencers think of the ban.

Streamers & influencers react to Twitch ‘simp’ ban

JackSepticEye was one of the first to congratulate Twitch on finally ending toxicity online.

Meanwhile, top Call of Duty pro Chris ‘Simp’ Lehr had some very obvious issues with the change.

Aussie Lazarbeam called out the “incel” who made the decision, adding that “real men simp.”

Jacksfilms is going to have to seriously reconsider his stream themes…

100 Thieves’ Neekolul has realized she’ll need to change up her vocabulary a bit…

Finally, TimTheTatman took the opportunity to let his good friend NICKMERCS know how he felt about him.

So, there’s clearly some confusion over this new Twitch ban — most notably, why they’re even doing it in the first place.

It will be interesting to see how aggressively Twitch administers these new rules when they come into effect on January 22, especially given some of the response to certain bans and suspensions that have occurred in recent months, including the likes of Dr Disrespect and Forsen.