Logan Paul faces backlash after announcing he’s “going gay” for the New Year

Virginia Glaze

Popular YouTuber Logan Paul has found himself at the center of yet another controversy, after announcing his intentions to “go gay” as part of his New Year’s resolution.

Paul announced the development in an episode of his ‘imPaulsive’ podcast on January 9, where he explained that his New Year’s resolutions occur on a month-by-month basis.

Both Paul and his buddy Mike ‘Hey Big Mike’ Majlak are tag-teaming their goals, with the two taking on a vegan and alcohol-free diet for the month of January. However, the duo is tackling a completely different challenge for the entirety of March, which Paul dubbed ‘Male Only March.’

“So, it’s ‘Male Only March,’” Paul said of their plan. “We’re gonna attempt to go gay for just one month.”

Paul has since received a wave of backlash after outlining his inititative, with users sounding off across the Twitterverse in outrage.

“Obviously to Logan Paul, being gay is some sort of punchline to a joke.” U.S. Air Force veteran and author Josh Seefried said of the debacle. “Make sure to tell that to youth that kill themselves because they struggle with being gay. Shame on him once again.”

“I can’t believe Logan Paul is going to be ‘gay for a month’ like it’s some sort of trend,” another user wrote. “I’m disgusted.”

The controversy comes nearly a year after his highly criticized vlog in Japan’s Aokigahara ‘Suicide Forest,’ where he filmed the body of a suicide victim during a trip to the island nation in early 2018.

Paul has yet to respond on the concern surrounding his resolution.