Dream explains why he’s actually “impressed” by Andrew Tate’s social media ban

David Purcell
dream and andrew tate

Minecraft YouTuber and Twitch streaming star Dream has taken a swipe at Andrew Tate over his bans on TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

Tate has been slapped with a blanket ban over the world’s biggest content-sharing platforms.

Twitter expelled him back in 2017 over controversial comments regarding those affected by sexual assault, and in 2022 the rest have followed suit – with TikTok, in particular, stating he was sharing hateful language.

In a statement, the company said: “Misogyny is a hateful ideology that is not tolerated on TikTok. We’ve been removing violative videos and accounts for weeks, and we welcome the news that other platforms are also taking action against this individual.”

Dream takes swipe at Andrew Tate

While Tate has a large following online, with content featuring the former kickboxer pulling in over 15 million views on TikTok, many have supported his removal.

In a Twitter post, Minecraft creator Dream – who has five million followers – responded to the action companies had taken to remove Tate from their platforms.

He said: “I’m kind of impressed Andrew Tate was able to get banned from so many places. Imagine CEOs of all different ages, sexes, and ethnicities all collectively agreeing that you’re an idiot.

“There are trolls that have been trying for years to accomplish what he did in just a few weeks!”

Twitter reacts to Dream tweet

The tweet has been retweeted nearly 3,000 times at the time of writing, and liked by over 65,000 people – though, there was a mixed reaction in the comments.

One said: “Here comes all the 11-year-old fanboys to defend him…”

Another replied: “The way the last sentence is phrased… lets not.”

A third user commented: “Is he banned from all Dream related spaces? Please I need the confirmation.”

The YouTuber has not responded to any of the users in the replies, though it is highly unlikely that Tate would be welcome in any of Dream’s spaces any time soon. Tate is banned on YouTube, for starters, and he’s just been called an “idiot” on the timeline.