How to get The Dragon’s Breath catalyst in Destiny 2 Season of the Wish

Destiny 2’s Season of the Wish sees the return of the exotic rocket launcher The Dragon’s Breath. Here’s how to grab and complete the catalyst.
Destiny 2’s 23rd season is upon us. Season of the Wish sees guardians reunite with Riven from The Dreaming City and unlock the elusive 15th wish. As per usual, Season of the Wish comes with an exotic available in the season pass, with the 23rd season reprising the D1 exotic The Dragon’s Breath.
To make sure you get the most out of the new rocket launcher, it’s a good idea to grab and complete the catalyst. Not sure how to do so? We’ve got you covered.
How to get the Dragon’s Breath catalyst
In order to grab the Dragon’s Breath catalyst, players will first need to own the Dragon’s Breath exotic. This can be obtained via the season pass at level 1 if you have purchased the premium track or level 35 on the free track.

Once you’ve grabbed the exotic, you’ll need to pick up the seasonal catalyst quest “An Old Flame” from Banshee-44 in the Tower.
An Old Flame Step 1 of 3
Completing the first step of An Old Flame requires you to use The Dragon’s Breath’s intrinsic perk to defeat targets affected with Scorch.
- Defeat 50 enemies affected by Scorch.
- Defeat 5 bosses affected by Scorch.
Defeating enemies is pretty simple since Dragon’s Breath is able to one-hit most minor enemies. As for bosses, you’ll need to ensure that they’re affected by the Scorch debuff before being killed.
You also don’t need to use Dragon’s Breath to apply Scorch to said enemies, meaning you can apply Scorch via other methods and finish them off with Dragon’s Breath.
An Old Flame Step 2 of 3
The next step of An Old Flame requires you to use or have The Dragon’s Breath equipped.
- Defeat 150 Targets using Dragon’s Breath.
- Generate 200 Calibration data by completing activities while Dragon’s Breath is equipped.
Defeating targets is pretty simple and can be farmed in places that spawn a bunch of enemies.
Gaining calibration data requires you to complete activities while having the rocket launcher equipped. However, higher-difficulty activities will grant more progress toward this objective.
An Old Flame Step 3 of 3
The final part of An Old Flame is incredibly simple and just requires you to return to Banshee-44 and claim your catalyst.
- Talk to Banshee-44 in the Tower to claim the Dragon’s Breath Catalyst.
Activating The Dragon’s Breath Catalyst
In order to activate The Dragon’s Breath catalyst, you’ll need to defeat another 100 enemies affected by Scorch using the weapon.
Once completed, you’ll unlock the perk Pyromancer, which replenishes Dragon’s Breath fuel from its intrinsic perk, prolonging the effect of the Scorch it applies.