Warzone devs change M4A1 floor loot in June 24 playlist update

Daniel Cleary
Captain price in CoD Warzone

Infinity Ward has released a new playlist update for Warzone and Modern Warfare, which included some desired changes to the floor loot pool in the popular battle royale.

There are plenty of weapons for Warzone players to choose from, with different ‘floor loot’ guns scattered across Verdansk and loadout drops that are available on demand, which can help give the best chance at securing a victory.

Despite the large variety of weapons, the M4A1 assault rifle is one that often stands out and is considered one of the best guns in the game, next to the Grau, for picking opponents off at medium to long-range.

m4a1 loadout screen
The ‘floor loot’ version of the M4A1 has received some major nerfs in Warzone.

Due to the base strength of the M4, which can be found in the floor loot pool of weapons, Infinity Ward recently made the rifle burst fire only, instead of its previous automatic fire rate.

The nerf to the weapon resulted in some backlash from Warzone players, however, it now seems as if the Modern Warfare developers have gone a step further in their latest playlist update.

In the June 24 update, Infinity Ward revealed that the uncommon and rare burst version of the M4 assault rifle had been removed completely from Warzone’s floor loot.

Despite the removal of the uncommon and rare rifles, the burst M4A1 is still available in Warzone as a common item, although it is less effective than the other versions.

With the Grau expected to receive some heavy nerfs in one of Warzone’s future updates, it is likely that there will be a new weapon meta that players will need to adjust to.

Infinity Ward also revealed another change, during the June 24 update, for the newly added ‘All or Nothing’ multiplayer playlist, with players now being allowed to queue up together on the party mode.

This playlist update comes only a day after a significant patch on June 23, which introduced new game modes, operator bundles, and much more. You can find the full patch notes for Modern Warfare’s June 23 update here.