“Broken” MW3 pistol will dominate Warzone after Renetti nerf

Connor Bennett
Green COR-45 pistol with barrel attachment on Warzone map

Warzone expert IceManIsaac has highlighted a “broken” weapon that should take over the battle royale meta once the dominant Renetti built gets nerfed. 

Over the last few years, Warzone has had its fair share of broken weapons. These weapons, such as the DMR-9, Mac-10, and Fennec, have deleted enemies in just a few bullets and prompted the devs to make some quick changes. 

Well, in the Season 3 update for Modern Warfare 3, another one has come to the forefront – the Renetti. As of writing, the pistol has the fastest TTK in the battle royale and players have already called for a significant nerf. A nerf has yet to be rolled out, but it is expected given just how powerful the Renetti is. 

While some players might expect the HRM-9 or Striker 9 to quickly take over once that expected nerf drops, Warzone guru IceManIsaac believes it’ll be the COR-45 pistol, as it has a TTK that is already competing with the Renetti.

That’s right, the starter pistol packs a serious punch and has a TTK of around 626 ms – much faster than the HRM-9 – when you use the XRK IP-V2 Conversion Kit. That Conversion Kit allows you to fire two shots for each trigger press. 

“As soon as the Renetti gets nerfed, you’re going to see a lot of players switching to this weapon,” IceManIsaac said, noting it is “very easy to control” as well.

  • Muzzle: Bruen Tri-Port
  • Optic: Nydar Model 2023
  • Magazine: 40-round drum
  • Stock: XRK Dynamic Precision Stock 
  • Conversion Kit: XRK IP-V2 Conversion Kit

Timestamp of 18:10

The pistol can be built to be even more “broken” with the XRK Lightning Fire trigger. 

However, getting the full potential of that build would require some underhanded tactics or superhuman hands, given how fast you need to click to get it to work.

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About The Author

Based out of Liverpool, Connor is Dexerto's UK News Editor having joined the website in 2018 with a degree in International Journalism. You can find him covering everything from CoD, GTA, FIFA, Apex Legends, and influencer boxing. Need to get in touch? Email Connor at Connor.Bennett@Dexerto.com