Wraith’s ‘Naruto’ sprint is still in Apex Legends, with a catch

Calum Patterson
Wraith Naruto run in Apex Legends

Wraith mains everywhere were in despair when Respawn revealed the new sprint animation for the Legend, removing the iconic ‘Naruto run’ as it became known. But, it’s actually still possible to get her old animation back in Apex Legends, with the right equipment.

The devs reasoning for changing Wraith’s sprint animation was simple: it allowed them to balance the character without actually changing any of her abilities. A full explanation is given in the Aftermarket patch notes.

Instead, Wraith simply becomes an easier target to hit when sprinting, as her hit-box area becomes more exposed, as opposed to the slouched over version previously.

The downside, is that it undoubtedly loses some of the ‘character’ which Apex Legends is known for with each of it’s playable Legends. In the name of balance, an individual trait has been lost.

Apex Legends Naruto run
You can get the old version back, sort of, by holding a grenade.

Not completely, however. It’s been discovered that Respawn may have forgotten to apply the new animation in all scenarios for Wraith, meaning that you can actually ‘glitch’ her back into her old running stance.

And, it’s incredibly simple to do. All you need is any throwable ordinance (a frag, arc star, thermite, etc.) and then sprint.

As shown below, thanks to u/ChuxMech, Wraith once again will lean over, making her hitbox as small as possible. Of course, it’s not the complete Naruto run, as one of her arms is held forward with the nade.

Aside from just bringing back her iconic run, this may actually give you a slight advantage when making your escape. After all, Respawn themselves clearly found the difference significant enough to warrant a change in the first place.

The bad news, is that the devs are likely already aware of this workaround to get Naruto Wraith back, and their next update is expected to drop this coming week, to fix this and a number of other issues since the Aftermarket Collection event update.