Paralyzed streamer hits Diamond in Apex Legends using his mouth only

Alex Garton
RockyNoHands Apex Legends

Paralyzed Luminosity streamer Rocky ‘RockyNoHands’ Stoutenburgh has managed to reach Diamond rank in Apex Legends using his mouth only.

Although standard matches are fun in Apex Legends, a lot of players prefer to test out their skills in Ranked and take on opponents of a similar level.

While Predator is the highest rank in Respawn’s battle royale, there’s one tier that gets spoken about more than any other for the majority of the community, and that’s Diamond.

Despite being the third-highest rank, reaching it has almost become a symbol of what it takes to be considered good in Apex Legends, so it’s a huge milestone for players when they finally hit it.

Well, this was certainly no different for paralyzed streamer RockyNoHands, who managed to achieve the goal only using his mouth.

Apex Legends Diamond Rank
Diamond is the third-highest rank in Apex Legends.

RockyNoHands reaches Diamond III in Apex Legends

On March 17, paralyzed Luminosity streamer RockyNoHands took to Twitter to reveal that he had finally hit the Diamond III rank in Apex Legends.

While reaching that tier is difficult for anyone, Rocky plays Apex Legends using a controller called a Quadstick. This allows him to play and have full control of his character using his mouth as the primary input.

Rocky became a quadriplegic after an accident back in 2006 and was left paralyzed from the neck down. Although certain activities became impossible, Rocky quickly realized he had a talent for gaming and began honing his skills.

After years of experience and countless hours of practice, Rocky has mastered playing games using only his mouth and even holds two world records.

This is just another achievement to add to the list for Rocky and it’s likely he’s got his mind set on climbing even higher up the Ranked ladder.

With Master and even Predator in his sights, we’ll have to keep an eye on his stream to see if he can continue to take down the competition and reach new heights.