Apex Legends players livid as matchmaking bug makes them drop ranks

Alex Garton

An Apex Legends matchmaking bug is placing high-ranked players with teammates that are too low for them to play with. This is kicking players from matches and causing them to lose ranked points.

Apex Legends is a competitive game at heart which is why its ranked mode is so popular among its players. Whether you’re incredibly skilled at the game or relatively average, there’s something satisfying about progressing through the ranked tiers.

This means some players take their competitive matches extremely seriously and want to reach the top of the ranked ladder. Therefore, a single loss can have a huge impact on a highly-ranked player’s progress.

Well, a new bug is causing these players to be kicked from their matches and lose ranked points. Unfortunately, there’s nothing they can do to stop it, and it’s unbelievably frustrating.

Apex Legends Season 7 launched on November 4.

Apex Legends matchmaking bug

A thread posted to the Apex Legends subreddit by DropTopMox has revealed a matchmaking bug affecting ranked players. The post has over 26,000 upvotes and over 1,000 comments at the time of writing.

Update, December 12: This bug has now been fixed, and Respawn issued one free pack to every affected player. Unfortunately, lost RP cannot be reinstated.

The thread includes a video of the user entering a diamond tier ranked game. All appears to be normal until the ranks of his teammates are shown and there is a Gold player in his squad. This causes the game to kick DropTopMox as he is too highly-ranked to play with a Gold level player.

Unfortunately, this bug meant he lost 96 points in ranked progression and was given a 10-minute timer before he could play again. As you can hear at the video’s conclusion, this left him extremely frustrated.

Players are urging Respawn to address this issue and implement a system in which only eligible players are matched with each other, without this type of bug.

Glitches like this undermine the competitive nature of ranked and leave players feeling helpless.

Fingers crossed, the thread gets the attention of the developers and the issue is fixed as soon as possible.