Apex Legends’ new Broken Moon map is literally broken with invisible walls

Carver Fisher
Apex Legends Broken Moon hitboxes

The newest map in Apex Legends, Broken Moon, has some hitboxes that are leaving players puzzled as their bullets bounce off of invisible walls.

Broken Moon was introduced at the outset of Apex Legends Season 15, and players are still getting a feel for how to best play on the unfamiliar landscape.

Between the new cross-map ziplines and gorgeous vistas, there’s a lot to like. But there are some players that have pointed out a glaring issue with the map.

There are parts of Broken Moon with invisible walls that are stopping players’ bullets in their tracks, even when they appear to be open spaces that players can shoot through.

Apex Legends players expose Broken Moon hitbox issues

With a game like Apex Legends that has a high level of detail across the board, it can be easy to forget the basics that go into creating a map and the hitboxes for on-screen geometry.

No matter how visually complex and detailed parts of the map are, there’s a skeleton that dictates the “hitbox” for how the player can traverse those parts of the map and where bullets get blocked. Points where the skeleton for the map conflicts with what we see in-game creates invisible walls.

With some time on the newest map, Apex Legends players have identified that not all is as it seems on Broken Moon, and that the skeleton for the map’s geography doesn’t quite match up with the way it appears.

This clip from Reddit user On_The_Podium exemplifies what it can look like for a player to lose a firefight as a result of geometry with a hitbox that doesn’t match how it appears in-game.

Just when this Wattson player thought they had the drop on a wounded Ash, their first volley of bullets amounted to nothing but a cloud of dust and a whole lot of noise before the player walked around the rock a bit more to find the actual point where they could land shots. And, by that time, the Ash had already been alerted to their presence.

CrazyGoodDude, the top commenter on the post, had a lot to say about this seemingly common issue players are encountering on Broken Moon, and spoke about getting caught on geometry when trying to move or having grenades get blocked by “invisible walls”.

byu/On_The_Podium from discussion

With inaccurate hitboxes not being nearly as common in other Apex Legends maps, Broken Moon itself seems to be the root of the problem.