Apex Legends leak reveals names of unreleased content: Tropic map, Arenas, teasers

Calum Patterson
Pathfinder in Apex Legends

A series of screenshots that appear to be internal dev tests for Apex Legends have leaked, with names of unreleased content disclosed. The screenshots, posted by a burner account on Reddit, cannot be verified, but appear legitimate.

Apex Legends is shaping up for its eighth season, and has just launched its third map, Olympus in Season 7, alongside the new Legend, Horizon.

But, we know that the team at Respawn are already working many seasons in advance, and these screenshots of a test version of the game appear to give a small glimpse into what exactly they have planned.

Among the unreleased content is ‘Tropic playtest’, which lines up with a previous data mined leak about a possible tropic map. There is also mention of ‘Estate Arenas’, Apex Predator Squads (60 players), ‘Airdrop takeover trios’ and more.

Olympus in Apex legends
Olympus was the latest map added to Apex Legends, but it sounds like lots more is planned.

Leaked Apex Legends content

The leaks come in the form of game status updates, showing testers finishing a game in these new modes/maps/LTMs.

So, we don’t have any indication of what these entail exactly, which will have to be left up to the imagination at the moment.

You can see the original screenshots, shared by the burner account on Reddit, below.

The post was then deleted, before being shared again by reliable Apex data miner Biast12 on Twitter, along with some clarification on what each item could mean. The items are:

  • Estate Arenas
  • Tropic Playtest
  • Canyonlands MU3
  • 6-man Kings Canyon MU3
  • 1 LVL Boost
  • 40-man Oly duo
  • Airdrop Takeover Trios
  • Salvo Ship Active Tease
  • Fuse Active Tease

About The Author

Calum is Dexerto's Managing Editor, based in Scotland. Joining Dexerto in 2017, Calum has years of experience covering esports, gaming and online entertainment, and now leads the team to deliver the best coverage in these areas. An expert on all things Twitch and gaming influencers, he's also an expert in popular shooters like Apex Legends, CS2 and Call of Duty. You can contact Calum at calum.patterson@dexerto.com.