Apex Legends kill world record broken with 37 eliminations in one match
Respawn EntertainmentTalented Apex Legends player Lymo has set a new Solo vs Squads kill world record with an incredible 37 eliminations in a single match.
Racking up kills in Apex Legends is a difficult task, especially if you’re looking to play tactically and make it to the final circle.
However, if kills are your main objective, it’s best to play aggressively and take every gunfight you can to maximize your chances of securing more eliminations.
While most players are satisfied once they’ve unlocked the impressive 20-kill badge, some competitors prefer to take it to the next level and chase records.
Well, talented Apex player Lymo has done exactly that, smashing the previous Solo vs Squads kill record with 37 eliminations in one match.
Apex Legends player gets 37 kills in Solo vs Squads match
Apex Legends player Lymo has set a new Solo vs Squads kill world record with 37 eliminations and 8449 damage in a single match.
As noted above, they were not assisted by any teammates during this record, taking on squads of Trios completely Solo on the Broken Moon map.
Using a CAR SMG, Mastiff, and R-301 Carbine throughout the match, Lymo pulled off some incredible plays during the 22-minute masterclass.
Of course, there were some close calls during the game, with Lymo almost being taken down a number of times, but their solid movement and gun skill always got them out of sticky situations. You can check out the full uncut gameplay below:
The last Solo vs Squads record was held by Mendokusaii with 36 kills in a single match, and this was set just two weeks after the release of Apex Legends.
Not only that, Mendo did have teammates at the very beginning of the match, but they left almost immediately, so some members of the community don’t count this a true Solo vs Squads record.
Either way, Lymo now holds the top spot with an insane 37 kills and it’s unlikely anyone is going to steal the crown anytime soon.