Apex Legends expert shows genius grenade plays to bamboozle enemies

Joe Craven
Apex Legend grenade next to game's logo

Apex Legends content creator ‘Cau7ion’ has unveiled a number of genius tricks to make grenades as effective as possible in Respawn’s battle royale. 

Grenades and other projectiles often take a back seat in Apex Legends engagements. They’re not necessarily weak, but players often default to more reliable and controllable forms of dealing damage – namely weapons

However, projectiles can be perfect in a host of scenarios, especially when they’re used wisely. 

In a December 29 Reddit post, the YouTuber outlined a series of intelligent ways to use grenades to damage enemies and stay in the fight for as long as possible. 

Apex Legends expert reveals creative grenade tactics

The video details three uses of grenades that players can try out in matches for themselves. They may take some practice to master but, once players have them rehearsed, they’re sure to catch enemies off guard. 

The first is called a ‘Counter Arc’ and is designed to stop aggressive enemy pushes. The player throws an Arc Star at their own location and then moves laterally. The pushing opponent rushes and is damaged by the previously placed projectile’s explosion. 

The second is called a ‘Counter Sky Nade’. As Cau7ion explains, a grenade thrown straight up in Apex will land where the player was when they threw it. As a result, players can throw grenades vertically, reposition and then let enemies get damaged by their own push to the player’s original location. 

The third and final tactic shared by Cau7ion relates to a ‘Trail of Nades’. As it sounds, players essentially retreat and throw grenades at their own feet as they reposition. Pursuing enemies will likely take damage as the grenades explode a few seconds later. 

They’re not guaranteed to get players out of tricky situations time and time again, but they’re certainly useful to have in the back pocket. 

That was the opinion of Reddit, with Cau7ion’s post accumulating over 2,000 upvotes at the time of writing. There’s plenty more tricks and tips to be found on his YouTube channel too. 

About The Author

Joe is a former writer for Dexerto, who focused on Call of Duty, FIFA, Apex Legends and Rainbow Six Siege.