Deadpool & Wolverine clip has everyone worried for one reason

Jessica Cullen
Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman as Deadpool and Wolverine with Deadpool holding a dog that's licking his face

A new clip from Deadpool & Wolverine has been making the rounds, and many people have noted one major red flag.

We’re still two months out from the release of Deadpool & Wolverine, yet we’re already getting more than enough looks at the upcoming Marvel movie. One of the latest clips arrived on May 5, and its gaining some backlash for one key element: the lighting.

In the clip, Deadpool and Wolverine are sitting in a restaurant (which fans have quickly pointed out could be Joe’s Pizza from Spider-Man 2). Then, shortly after, they approach the decaying skull of Ant-Man, the sight of which causes Deadpool to say: “Huh, Paul Rudd finally aged.”

As Wolverine and Deadpool debate whether he should be wearing his mask to cover his face and we finally get an on-screen crack at Paul Rudd’s vampiric youthfulness, it’s fair to say that the clip is fun enough. But the lighting has proved to be distracting for many, considering there isn’t any. (You can watch the clip for yourself below.)

As one X user wrote: “They couldn’t use any of that budget on lighting, huh.”

“On the first day of my videography class in college we were told never to conduct our interviews in front of windows cuz it backlights the subjects and we can’t afford the equipment to deal with it. Apparently Disney can’t either,” said another.

One comment said: “$250 million and they can’t light them correctly,” while another added: “It’s honestly impressive how bad this movie looks in terms of visuals.”

“Why the f**k are the conversation scenes shot like a f**king student film,” said another user. “You people have hundreds of f**king millions of dollars and this is the best you can do?”

Not the best start for the new movie, but perhaps it deserves the benefit of the doubt. This is one small clip — it could be worth holding out hope that they adjusted the lighting down the line, or that it’s a small blip in an otherwise finely lit movie. We’ll just have to wait until July 26 to find out.

For more, check out our Deadpool & Wolverine trailer breakdown, and find out how to watch the Marvel movies in order.