Netflix announces live-action Scooby-Doo, and fans have one demand

Jessica Cullen
The original cast of 2002's Scooby-Doo

Netflix has announced development of a new Scooby-Doo live-action TV show, but fans are already focused on one thing.

Scooby-Doo has had more on-screen iterations than you can count on your hand. Or paw. From the early 2000s live-action duology that’s since become a beloved piece of pop culture, to the much more recent (and maligned) animated Velma series, Scooby’s story never seems to end.

Now, Netflix is getting a piece of the action with a new live-action TV show in development. It’s said to be a one-hour drama project, with a deal almost secured with the streaming service. However, Scooby-Doo fans are fierce, and they’re already making it known that they want just one thing: the original cast.

That’s not the original cast of the ’60s animated series, mind you. No, they’re referring to the team of Freddie Prinze Jr., Sarah Michelle Gellar, Linda Cardellini, and Matthew Lillard. This is the group that brought James Gunns’ bizarre script to life, marking the definitive Mystery, Inc. for an entire generation.

“If it’s not with the original live-action cast, I don’t want it,” one fan wrote on X. Others agreed, with comments like: “You will never be them,” and: “Quite honestly they could just hire the cast from the first movies and it would be perfect.”

“If Matthew isn’t in this, what’s the point,” said another.

Another wrote: “Unfortunately, there will never again be 4 casting choices as outstanding as these, so there’s no point.”

No plot synopsis has been released for the Netflix Scooby-Doo show yet, meaning it’s unconfirmed whether it’ll be the usual fare of the gang solving mysteries, or whether there’ll be some sort of twist. All that’s known for sure is that it will be based on the Hanna-Barbera cartoon and that Josh Appelbaum and Scott Rosenberg will be writing the series.

Rosenberg has previously penned the likes of Con Air, High Fidelity, and Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle.

For more, check out all the new movies to watch this month, and keep an eye on the best TV shows of 2024.