Guardians of the Galaxy star wants MCU to recast role after Vol 3

Daisy Phillipson
Gamora, Star-Lord, Groot and Drax in Guardians of the Galaxy

One of the key Guardians of the Galaxy stars wants the MCU to recast their role after Vol 3.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 is the third and final chapter in the beloved movie trilogy, with James Gunn set to depart the franchise as he focuses on his rebooted DC Universe

Though it’s a bittersweet farewell, there’s a lot to be excited about, with our ragtag space bandits set to reunite once more to save Rocket’s life. As always, there’ll be plenty of laughs.

And while it might mean the end for the Guardians of the Galaxy crew as we know it, one of the main stars is hoping their character will live on beyond the trilogy. 

Guardians of the Galaxy star wants the MCU to recast role after Vol 3

Zoe Saldana has gone down in cinematic history for her portrayal of Gamora, and while she says it’s time for her to “step down” from the MCU, she’s hoping to pass the torch to a new generation. 

Zoe Saldana as Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy

In a conversation with Total Film (via Gamesradar), she said: “I think the time has come for me to step down, and for the next generation to come forward.”

The Avatar 2 star went on to say: “The one thing I would not want is for Gamora to go away. She’s been such an impactful character for fans, and especially female fans, and young female fans. 

“I would love for Marvel to figure out a way to find that next generation of actors that can incarnate these characters, and give them this immortality that fans generationally keep coming back to.”

Saldana is leaving the superhero franchise on good terms, having stuck with it for way longer than expected. “I mean, I signed up for one, and I got 10 years,” she added. “Lucky me, man. I have no complaints. And I’m moving on with so much grace and gratitude in my heart.”

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 hits cinemas on May 3 in the UK and May 5 in the US. Find out more about the movie here and our other coverage here.