Dr Disrespect loses it with Starfield space fights and blames his chat

Andrew Highton
dr disrespect looking angry in starfield space

Starfield is the latest game to cause Dr Disrespect to blow up in rage. The Doc was having a hard time with the game’s space combat and took his frustration out on his own chat, even going as far as to close it down.

Bethesda has caused quite a stir in the gaming scene with the long-awaited release of Starfield. It’s no secret that the company’s sci-fi RPG was many years in the making. The agonizing wait finally came to an end with early access going live on September 1, 2023. Since then, the game has experienced its fully-fledged release too.

The whole world is now able to play and has been playing the title. In just a short space of time, we’ve seen all sorts of craziness. Incredible Lord of the Rings Easter Eggs are hidden in the game and a familiar face has already returned in Thomas The Tank engine.

Everyone seems to be loving the game – even former God of War and Twisted Metal director David Jaffe! One person who’s not having the smoothest time with the game though is YouTube streamer Dr Disrespect.

Starfield causes Dr Disrespect to lose it with chat

A big part of Starfield’s gameplay is space combat. Players are able to customize their ship and use it to explore the game’s universe. Doc has had a hard time getting to grips with the combat though.

On stream, the Doc was dying repeatedly to enemy ships. “I don’t know what you want me to f**king do,” Doc screamed at his chat as he succumbed to yet another death.

His frustration was boiling over with the Doc claiming that Starfield had the “absolute worst control scheme and control experience of a flight simulator I’ve ever experienced in my life.” Not only that, but he took a shot at his own chat too: “I’m closing out the chat. I’m tired of all these little people that know everything you guys know everything.”

Doc’s stance didn’t help though. What ensued was a montage of continual deaths that culminated in the streamer saying that Starfield has “too many buttons”. He also claimed that closing down the chat was “so healthy” for him too.

Ultimately, we’re sure Doc didn’t mean it. The relationship between Dr Disrespect and his fans seems unbreakable at this point. Plus, it’s not the first time he’s had a run-in with Starfield either. The streamer was recently embroiled in a controversy that stemmed from the streamer failing to secure a sponsorship with Bethesda for Starfield.