Viral “gang brawl” breaks out in parking lot with over twenty people fighting

Michael Gwilliam
gang brawl goes viral

A massive “gang brawl” is going viral on Twitter after over twenty people partook in an epic parking lot rumble.

Fights come in all shapes and sizes. From mini one-on-one skirmishes to gigantic smackdowns featuring armies of combatants, there’s no shortage of content when it comes to fisticuffs.

One of the craziest bouts we’ve seen in a long time, however, comes in the form of a parking lot scrap that started off as a simple beef between rivals, but soon escalated into an incredible brawl.

The melee has already exploded on Twitter since being posted to Top Street Fights, and it’s easy to see why, considering just how out of control things got once all the spectators decided to throw down.

“Gang brawl” featuring over twenty fighters goes viral

At first, the fight began with two men squaring off in a fairly entertaining slugfest, with both guys firing away – but when one ended up getting knocked down, all hell broke loose.

“One vs one fight turns into all out gang brawl,” the account captioned the video – and for good reason.

In a split second, things went from a fairly controlled fight to complete bedlam, with all sorts of mini-scraps breaking out all over the parking lot.

The brouhaha kicked off in record time as seemingly everyone in attendance got in on the action. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to even tell which side people were on, as some fights had uneven odds (such as a group of three taking on a duo of two fighters).

In any case, the 33-second viral video is one of the most ridiculous brawls we’ve ever seen, which is saying something, considering we just recently witnessed a woman successfully destroy 20 people on her own.

It’s not clear why the groups were fighting or what happened after, but hopefully, no one was seriously injured in the altercation.