TikTok’s “watch my boyfriend for me” trend explained

Molly Byrne
watch my boyfriend for me trend on tiktok

TikTok’s “watch my boyfriend for me” trend has viewers laughing at how well-behaved girls’ boyfriends are while they walk away and leave them alone for a moment.

TikTok trends that include people’s significant others tend to be some of the most popular fads on the platform. Whether it’s a new dance, an eating challenge like “Rock, Paper, Scissors,” or a trend that takes your significant other by surprise, there are plenty of TikTok fads to enjoy doing with someone special.

In one of TikTok’s latest trends, women are asking their viewers to “watch my boyfriend for me” while they walk away for a brief moment.

During the “watch my boyfriend for me” trend, the girlfriend places her phone in front of their boyfriend while it’s recording. They then say “watch my boyfriend or me” as they walk away. 

Often, the guy plays into the trend by telling a story, talking about their SO, or complaining with complete confusion.

For example, on April 27, TikTok couple Caleb & Andrea partook in the new trend and received 15.8M views and counting. When Andrea left her phone in front of her snacking mate, he looked around like a lost “toddler,” unaware of what was happening.

Viewers found the video comical, as Caleb refused to make eye contact with the phone. One person even said they could “feel his anxiety” through the video.

Just a couple of days before Caleb & Andrea’s video, TikToker Anna Muller posted her take on the trend, receiving 2.7M views and counting. During her video, she placed the phone in front of her significant other and told him she had to “walk our fish.”

Her man rolled his eyes and said “we don’t even have fish” while he continued to peel his mango. He then began randomly saying facts about flamingos, “A group of flamingos is flamboyance,” he proudly said.

Viewers of Anna’s “watch my boyfriend for me” trend found her mate entertaining. “Came for the babysitting, stayed for the flamingo flamboyance,” said one viewer. “Your fish needed a longer walk, I was really getting into the flamingo facts,” added another.

While the trend began back in 2023, it exploded in popularity this April. In fact, the “watch my boyfriend for me” trend has become so popular on TikTok that there are already 173M posts about it.

This is just the latest relationship-focused TikTok fad to go viral after the “tiny portion” trend took off earlier this year, where one part of the couple served themselves a small portion of food and recorded their partner’s reaction to them eating less.

Another relationship-related TikTok trend that took over social media was the viral “orange peel theory” test, where a person asks their significant other to peel an orange for them. If they say yes, it’s supposed to mean that your other half cares about your needs, no matter how trivial.