Ludwig gets perfect revenge on Adin Ross fan who allegedly threatened his girlfriend

Virginia Glaze
Ludwig has perfect response to threat message

The feud between Twitch stars Ludwig and Adin Ross has finally simmered down — but there’s still stories coming about about the drama when it was at its peak just a day ago.

For those out of the loop, influencers Ludwig Ahren and Adin Ross got into a heated spat after Ludwig, Chance ‘Sodapoppin’ Morris and Nick ‘Nmplol’ Polom roasted Ross’s Twitch viewers during an IRL broadcast.

Ross took issue with their comments, claiming that “You guys literally have f**king hall of fame nerds… in your chat that spam Poggers and Omegalul the entire stream,” and bragging “If they actually went to war with us, we would literally sh*t on them.”

This prompted a back-and-forth between the streamers, during which Ludwig attempted to handle things privately at one point — but ultimately, FaZe co-founder Ricky Banks helped them to get back on good terms.

In the midst of all the drama, though, some fans took things a little too far. According to Ludwig, one Adin Ross fan messaged him with serious threats toward his girlfriend.

“It was presumably an Adin Ross fan, who said, like, ‘Kill yourself,’ and then, ‘I’m gonna forcibly have sex with your girlfriend,’ but in less words,” he explained.

“Super aggressive message. I looked at their profile, and it had their high school. So I just found their high school and sent a screenshot to the principal and said, ‘Email sent.’ And they sent me a super big apology.”

This is just one of the many hateful messages Ludwig received during his spat with Adin, with the streamer reacting to a slew of negative comments from fans of Ross during a broadcast.

Ludwig isn’t alone in his reaction to the hater’s messages, either; his girlfriend, fellow streamer QTCinderella, claimed that she had sent a message of one troll’s messages to their own mother. Ouch!

No matter the case, it’s never okay to send someone threats online — but Ludwig clearly handled the situation like a pro.