Activision responds after Judge seemingly leaks CoD 2023 release in Microsoft hearing

Brad Norton
CoD Modern Warfare 2 gameplay

Activision has added fuel to the fire after a Federal Judge seemingly confirmed the release window of Call of Duty 2023 amid the FTC vs Microsoft court hearing.

As Microsoft looks to close its historic acquisition of Activision Blizzard, all manner of industry secrets are being aired out. Just yesterday, confidential Sony documents disclosed a wide range of Call of Duty figures, reaffirming just how big of a juggernaut the FPS franchise truly is.

Now, as the US hearing drew to a close on June 29, it appears the show closed with a bang, at least for CoD fans. At the tail end of the final discussion, a Federal Judge reportedly outed plans for this year’s new release.

Following previous rumors of a November 10, 2023 launch, the Judge has now seemingly confirmed the November release target for CoD’s 2023 iteration.

While much has been speculated on a 2023 entry, recent leaks have implied what was once planned as an extension to last year’s Modern Warfare 2 has since evolved into a full-fledged title of its own.

Reportedly titled Modern Warfare 3, a handful of supposed screenshots from the upcoming release have already slipped through the cracks, revealing a possible return of both Terminal and Scrapyard.

Although nothing has yet been made official, we now appear to have our very first tease of CoD 2023 direct from Activision.

Following confirmation of the November release window for this year’s new release, the official Call of Duty Twitter account subtly chimed in. Just 10 minutes after CharlieIntel first circulated the news, the CoD social channel simply entered the conversation with the classic eyes emoji.

While obviously not an explicit confirmation, this no doubt adds weight to the Judge’s intel, all but locking in a November release for CoD 2023.

As always, we’re sure to hear plenty more on this year’s highly anticipated release in the weeks and months to come. Be sure to check back often as we’ll keep you up to speed with all the latest surrounding the launch of CoD 2023.