7 worst Star Wars scenes that are now memes

Emma Soteriou
7 worst star wars scenes into best memes

We’ve put together some of the worst scenes from the Star Wars franchise and how they’ve evolved to become the best memes for fans online.

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As the Star Wars universe continues to grow from strength to strength, with the success of The Mandalorian and multiple other series in development for Disney Plus, we’ve gone back and found some of the franchise’s worst moments and how they have managed to live on as memes.

From some of the movies’ least popular characters to problematic one-liners, there is plenty of content fans can’t wait to get their hands on, so it’s only right we provide the best that’s come of the worst.

“I don’t like sand…”

Anakin and Padme Star Wars Attack of the Clones
The awkward scene between Anakin and Padme

It would be hard to start off anywhere else but here. The prequels got a bad rap when they were first released, and quotes like Anakin’s “I don’t like sand…” in Attack of the Clones remind you that, to a certain extent, that was rightly so.

Bad writing joined with mediocre acting resulted in conversations about things like the coarseness of sand and Anakin’s torment every time he was around Padme – they speak for themselves, really.

That being said, it’s these quotes that have meant the prequels have had a resurgence in popularity over recent years, especially for those who grew up watching them.

Han shot first

Han and Greedo A New Hope
Who shot first?

Fair enough, the original scene itself in A New Hope wasn’t bad, but when later versions of the movie were cut to show Greedo shoot first, it caused an uproar among fans and sparked the ongoing debate of who shot first.

Forget Baby Yoda eating eggs, the original dilemma still goes on today, with ‘Han shot first’ being the go-to phrase used by fans.


darth vader revenge of the sith
Darth Vader found out Padme had died

The end of Revenge of the Sith saw Anakin become Darth Vader, with him also discovering his love, Padme, had died, resulting in the notorious “Noooo”.

In what would have been a very emotional scene, the dramatic shout almost seemed to trivialize his loss and has since been used by fans over the likes of major movie scenes to add humor.

It’s only right to mention Luke’s version in Empire Strikes Back too, which wasn’t great either, despite it being one of the biggest cinematic reveals of all time.

General Organa in space

General Organa The Last Jedi
Leia managed to survive using the force

The Last Jedi saw what was arguably the biggest divide among Star Wars fans for multiple reasons, one being General Organa’s new force powers.

J.J. Abrams tried to rectify this sudden revelation in The Rise of Skywalker, showing Leia being trained by Luke, but it did little when you take into consideration the rest of the movie.

Since its release, this scene has become a meme in itself – a highlight of ours being one of Leia turned into Mary Poppins as she floats in space.

“Somehow Palpatine returned”

New generals poe and finn in the rise of skywalker
The Resistance learned Palpatine was back

Unfortunately, The Rise of Skywalker appeared to spend more time trying to correct the mishaps from Episode 8 than it did develop an effective storyline. One of the key factors missing was, of course, a feasible reason for Palpatine’s return.

Pilot Poe Dameron summed up what was on everyone’s mind in a simple one-liner: “Somehow Palpatine returned.” And it didn’t take long for the quote to catch on, showing just how vague the movie had been about his reappearance.

Droid attack on the Wookiees

droid attack on the wookiees
Ki-Adi-Mundi in a meeting with the Jedi council

There was nothing particularly special about this scene during a Jedi council meeting, yet prequel fans have still managed to make it into a meme, following Ki-Adi-Mundi’s “What about the droid attack on the Wookiees?” phrase.

Randomly dropped into conversation, the urgency behind Ki-Adi Mundi’s question added the extra bit of humor that was never intended for the scene and was soon adopted by audiences.

Jar Jar Binks

Jar Jar Binks in the Star Wars sequels
Conspiracies suggest Jar Jar is a Sith

As one of the most hated characters in the franchise, Jar Jar has produced enough meme-worthy content to last a lifetime, rather ironically. The clumsy Gungan annoyed some so much that they have remade scenes depicting his death, while others have theorized that he’s actually a Sith.

Luckily, Jar Jar has been left far behind in the prequels and is unlikely to make a return to the big screen. We don’t think he’ll be getting his own series any time soon, either.

There will be the return of some fan-favorites though, including an Obi-Wan series which will be making its way to Disney Plus. Until then, The Mandalorian is the way forward, providing the best scenes and memes for everyone.

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