Smash Bros Ultimate: Game-breaking Hero and Rosa exploit uncovered

Connor Bennett

A brand-new, broken doubles tactic between Hero and Rosalina in Smash Bros Ultimate has been uncovered following patch 5.0.0 – and it’s very overpowered.

The Super Smash Bros series is one of the most popular releases from Nintendo and has seen it’s older titles keep popularity despite launching new games on newer consoles.

The newest release, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, has been a hit with casual and competitive players alike, but a recent update has caused issues within the game’s competitive community as Hero and Rosalina can be combined to make an incredibly overpowered duo. 

NintendoHero joined the Smash Bros Ultimate roster back in July.

In a video posted by Smash player MrWilson, he noted that Patch 5.0.0 gave Hero and Rosa – also labeled as Herosa – new, invisible hitboxes which can be used to throw players off the stage and score an instant win.

The video showed that Hero, who was introduced at the end of July, can use its Neutral Special ability to roll throw Rosa and send enemy players flying into the sky with some weird trajectories – including sending Bayonetta behind him. Hero and Rosa can even link up to gain a boost as Hero can gain additional mana by hitting Luma – the star that Rosalina carries around. 

Of course, the discovery stunned a few members of the Smash community who were quick to fire questions and jokes back at MrWilson.

“Time to let @NintendoAmerica know,” commented Twitter user RangoSSB. Another, Zodes, instead chose to compare the situation to the recent doubles ban of Joker and Pokemon Trainer. “They better ban this too,” they added.

The pair of Pokemon Trainer and Joker was banned by tournament organizers after players uncovered an exploit that could allow the duo to recharge abilities quicker than normal.

The organizers called upon Nintendo to patch the exploit out of the game ahead of the Glitch 7 event – which didn’t happen. It remains to be seen if the developers will do anything about the issues and if Hero and Rosa will be barred from competition like their fellow fighters.