Rainbow Six leak reveals first look at Skyscraper & Chalet map reworks

Andrew Amos
Skyscraper and Chalet maps in Siege

Skyscraper and Chalet are the two maps next in line for a rework in Rainbow Six: Siege, and a first look of what players can expect has been leaked.

Every season, a new map gets added or reworked in Siege to help keep the game fresh. Given there’s already some 20-odd maps, in recent years that has led to a lot of map reworks, especially those from the early years of the game.

Skyscraper and Chalet are two of those maps, having been in the game since Year 1. They are dated compared to some of the maps nowadays, but that will change later on in Year 5 as their reworks get released ⁠— and players can now see what they should expect from it.

Skyscraper map rework in Y5S3

Skyscraper was released in Operation Red Crow back in 2016, although has never really ventured into the competitive map pool much. However, that could change after its rework in Year 5 Season 3.

While the layout is mostly the same, one thing to note is just how big each room feels. Skyscraper is a map that was quite small, with lots of short angles to hold outside of Reception. However, it’s really opening up in the rework, with more spacious rooms and longer sightlines.

The biggest change is upstairs. The courtyard area that was once deemed outside is now open for the defenders to roam, while the porch on top of Gong Room has been expanded to make rushing into Reception a bit less dangerous for attackers.

Chalet map rework in Y5S4

Chalet has been kicking around since the release of Siege. The French ski resort based map has been popular in the past, although it suffers from the same issue many Siege maps do nowadays ⁠— just being a bit too small.

That is being changed up in a complete overhaul at the end of the year. Upstairs is being completely renovated, with new rooms backing out onto the East side balcony. There’s also a wall being put up to remove the runout from the Office side too, and less spawn peek windows.

The stairs to the top floor have been moved from the central corridor in Kitchen to the far North. In the Basement, the layout of Snowmobiles has been changed to make it harder for attackers to safely plant. Wine Cellar has also been expanded.

The new maps will be released later in Year 5. It comes after House was reworked in the recent Operation Steel Wave launch, with the casual favorite getting a massive expansion.

The new maps aren’t the only bit of new Year 5 content that has been leaked either. The gadgets of the two new operators, Scout and Aruni, have been revealed. A Tachanka Elite skin is also on its way.