Overwatch animator reveals hilarious behind-the-scenes of McCree’s short

Lauren Bergin
McCree Overwatch

Overwatch’s short animations have become a must-watch for dedicated Overwatch players. One Blizzard dev has taken to Twitter to show the hysterical creative process behind McCree’s iconic short.

It’s safe to say that being trapped in the house has left people looking for fun little clips to pass the time. Whether it’s watching one player work out how much weight Junkrat carries on his back, or playing around in the Workshop to give Ana a jetpack, Overwatch certainly provides a host of fun things to do.

Cue Justin Rasch, Blizzard’s Cinematic Editor, the man behind some of Overwatch’s most iconic short episodes. While you might assume he simply sits behind a screen and animates, Rasch has shared some fun content to brighten up Overwatch player’s days.

On Twitter, the cinematographer has shared a behind the scenes look at Overwatch short “Reunion” which features Ashe and McCree, and the video is hilarious.

Overwatch's McCree takes aim
McCree is certainly a handful to play against, never mind recreate at home.

Justin Rasch is McCree

As Rasch explains in a tweet, he “didn’t get to animate on the McCree short but I got to shoot some reference”.

From here ensues an absolutely priceless video of the Blizzard dev attempting to recreate some of McCree’s most iconic movements. Rasch is seen sporting a cowboy hat and trying to replicate McCree’s Combat Roll and Fan the Hammer by jumping over a sofa and throwing himself onto a crash mat.

What makes the video even more amusing is that Rasch’s acrobatics are played side by side with the actual McCree cinematic, which while looks a tad more polished, pales in comparison to Rasch’s spectacular performance.

All jokes aside, however, it’s great to see just how much Overwatch’s cinematic department care about the quality of their output. The game’s short clips have become staple watches for every Overwatch fan, and have entertained people around the globe.

Who do we want to see Rasch become next? Maybe one of the up and coming heroes from Overwatch 2. Keep an eye on his Twitter folks, and maybe we’ll see some more clips like this one.