Top 10 most-played League of Legends champions in ranked

Liam Ho
Heavenscale Smolder Splash Art

League of Legends offers players over 160 different characters to play around with, however, some are far more popular than others. Here are the top 10 most-played League of Legends champions in Ranked Solo Duo.

Riot’s popular MOBA League of Legends is a pretty old game. Released back in 2009, the title has been slowly updated through the years, releasing new champions to keep players enticed and entertained. With the amount of variety available in the game, and only 10 slots per game, there are definitely champs that have stood out as the most popular.

The list below details the most popular champions in League of Legends Ranked Solo Queue, according to

10 – Volibear

Volibear Splash Art
Volibear’s current strength in top lane has bumped up his popularity significantly.

Frejlordian Demigod Volibear suddenly lands himself in the top 10 of League of Legends characters. Due to his recent strength in top lane, players are picking him up as a lane bully who scales well into the late game.

Volibear is being nerfed soon, which means we may see the champion drop out of popularity, but for now he remains as a stand-out pick.

9 – Jinx

Jinx Splash Art League of Legends
Despite Jinx’s immobility, players still thoroughly enjoy her kit, making her a popular champion.

Jinx has returned as one of the more popular champions in League of Legends. The hyper carry with a resetting passive allows her to run amuck in solo queue, scoring eliminations and wiping enemy teams.

Despite her immobility, players still really enjoy her playstyle and kit, making her the 9th most popular champion in the game.

8 – Caitlyn

Caitlyn Splash Art
Caitlyn stands as a strong and capable ADC that works well in the hands of skilled players.

Piltovian Sheriff Caitlyn lands herself as the eighth most popular champion at the moment. With high range, good damage, and the ability to make plays, Caitlyn is a deceptively powerful champion in the hands of the right player.

The ADC is able to bully other opponents out of lane, dipping somewhat in power in the mid-game and coming back as a strong carry in the late game. With satisfying combos, a nice visual aesthetic and a chipper British accent, there’s no doubt players adore Caitlyn.

7 – Senna

Senna Splash Art
Senna’s strong usage of support item Bloodsong and lethality items makes her really powerful at the moment.

Support markswoman Senna lands herself as the 7th most popular champion in League of Legends. With an infinitely scaling passive that gives her both range and damage, the champion focuses on dealing damage and taking out targets, all while not needing the gold and minions to do so.

On top of that, Senna’s synergy with Bloodsong allows her to instantly proc the time with Q, further increasing her damage which is bumped up by the power of lethality items.

6 – Karma

Karma Splash Art
Karma’s abuse of Malignance has made her one of the most popular champions to pick in ranked.

Karma has surged in popularity thanks to her synergy with the item Malignance. With a reduced cooldown on her already low CD ultimate, she abuses the item and outputs immense levels of damage and poke.

Karma has been nerfed plenty of times since the start of Season 14, but she still remains one of the more popular champions to pick in ranked.

5 – Yone

yone splash art
Older brother Yone is just as popular as his younger brother.

Yone takes up our fifth slot as the most popular champion in League of Legends. Brother to Yasuo, Yone deals high amounts of mixed damage, has ridiculously good scaling, and just generally doesn’t need to land skillshots to still instantly kill you. A capable fighter, Yone is able to separate himself from his body, able to apply a death mark to enemies.

On top of that, Yone has a fair amount of skill expression which rewards players who put time into him.

4 – Kai’Sa

Kai'Sa splash art
Kai’sa stands as another ADC whos mixed damage and high outplay potential make her popular among players.

Kai’Sa has been one of the most popular champions in League of Legends since her release. The evolving ADC has an extremely overloaded kit, complete with an attack-speed steroid, invisibility, an on-hit passive, a long-range dash and shield, and much more.

Kai’Sa’s incredibly overloaded kit and her ability to make plays have cemented her as one of the strongest champions to pick, especially in an environment as volatile as solo queue.

3 – Ezreal

Ezreal Splash Art
Fan favorite Ezreal is still one of the most popular champions to date.

Ezreal the Prodigal Explorer sees himself as one of the most popular champions in League of Legends. The ADC from Piltover wields a magical gauntlet that allows him to toss out skill shots galore, and also magically teleport out of danger.

Ezreal has always had some presence in the meta, just due to how fun he is to play as. He’s particularly potent in the hands of players who like to take risks and be rewarded, and is especially popular in Korea.

2 – Lux

Lux Splash Art
Lux maintains her spot as a popular champion pick for ranked.

The Lady of Luminosity scores herself the 2nd most popular slot in League. With a simple-to-execute kit, Lux’s combo potential allows her to score takedowns from afar, making her perfect at picking or poking at enemies. Lux, who was originally a mid laner, is being played more in the support role currently, as her poke, snare and shield allow her to effectively assist her ADC to get through the laning phase.

1 – Smolder

Smolder has swiftly taken the top spot as the most popular champion in League of Legends.

New kid on the block Smolder has skyrocketed in popularity. A young dragon to start, Smolder slowly scales over the game, gaining stacks of Dragon Practice, until he becomes strong enough to start burning enemies with true damage.

Despite the plentiful nerfs to the character, Smolder is still the most popular champion in League of Legends. Even with his incredibly low win rate, players are still picking up the character to use in ranked.

About The Author

Liam is a writer on the Australian Dexerto team covering all things gaming with an emphasis on MMOs like Destiny and FFXIV along with MOBAs like League. He started writing while at university for a Bachelor’s degree in Media and has experience writing for GGRecon and GameRant. You can contact Liam at or on Twitter at @MusicalityLH.