Top 10 most-played League of Legends champions in Ranked

League of Legends offers players over 160 different characters to play around with, however, some are far more popular than others. Here are the top 10 most-played League of Legends champions in Ranked Solo Duo.
Riot’s popular MOBA League of Legends is a pretty old game. Released back in 2009, the title has been slowly updated through the years, releasing new champions to keep players enticed and entertained. With the amount of variety available in the game, and only 10 slots per game, there are definitely champs that have stood out as the most popular.
The list below details the most popular champions in the League of Legends Ranked Solo Queue, according to
10 – Yone

Older brother to Yasuo, Yone is a popular champion that many enjoy picking up in solo queue. He’s self-reliant and scales incredibly well into the late game, able to dash into team fights and assassinate the backline, the return back to his spirit using his Soul Unbound ability.
Like his brother, Yone also tends to hover around the top 10 most popular champions, dipping into the higher rankings when the items and meta favor him more.
9 – Yasuo

Yasuo has re-entered the top 10 as a popular pick for solo queue. The wind-slinging samurai has always been a popular choice for ranked. He normally hovers around the top 10 and becomes more popular when his items are more favorable, as more players pick him up when his statistics are good.
However, he’s still a powerful champion to play in solo queue, capable of easily taking over games and cutting teams in half when ahead. He’s immensely mobile, has great damage, and has an incredibly addictive playstyle, so it’s no wonder he winds up as being a popular champion.
8 – Lee Sin

Lee Sin is one of the most prolific junglers for players who love to make things happen in the early game. With a highly mobile and potent kit, Lee Sin is able to swiftly clear camps and gank lanes, getting them ahead before he’s eventually outscaled. The jungler’s ability to heavily influence the map early on in the game is never outmatched and is perfect for junglers who are looking to carry their team.
7 – Smolder

Once the most broken champion upon his release, Smolder had a ridiculous amount of potential. By stacking his Q, he was able to become a late-game monster with a huge percent health damage burn into an execute.
Riot has since nerfed Smolder several times, making him drop off the radar for quite some time. However, the fledgling dragon is ready to take flight once more, becoming popular in solo queue again.
6 – Caitlyn

Piltovian Sheriff Caitlyn lands herself as the sixth most popular champion at the moment. With high range, good damage, and the ability to make plays, Caitlyn is a deceptively powerful champion in the hands of the right player.
The ADC is able to bully other opponents out of lane, dipping somewhat in power in the mid-game and coming back as a strong carry in the late game. With satisfying combos, a nice visual aesthetic, and a chipper British accent, there’s no doubt players adore Caitlyn.
5 – Jhin

The Lady of Luminosity scores herself the 5th most popular slot in League. With a simple-to-execute kit, Lux’s combo potential allows her to score takedowns from afar, making her perfect at picking or poking at enemies.
Lux, who was originally a mid laner, is being played more in the support role currently, as her poke, snare, and shield allow her to effectively assist her ADC to get through the laning phase.
4 – Kai’Sa

Kai’Sa has been one of the most popular champions in League of Legends since her release. The evolving ADC has an extremely overloaded kit, complete with an attack-speed steroid, invisibility, an on-hit passive, a long-range dash and shield, and much more.
Kai’Sa’s incredibly overloaded kit and her ability to make plays have cemented her as one of the strongest champions to pick, especially in an environment as volatile as solo queue.
3 – Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune’s hard-hitting auto attacks alongside how strong critical strike items like Infinity Edge make her popular at the moment. Her passive Love Tap lets her deal massive chunks of damage, all of which is further increased by critical strike damage.
Her ultimate Bullet Time is arguably one of the most iconic abilities in League, and can easily turn the tide of a team fight if placed well.
2 – Ezreal

Dashing Piltovian Ezreal is one of the most popular champions in all of League of Legends. Particularly fond in regions like Korea, the spell-slinging ADC is mobile, has great burst and poke, and is easily one of the most skill-intensive champions available in the MOBA.
While Ezreal doesn’t utilize critical strikes as the other ADCs do, his new build has been figured out, which has allowed him to re-enter the meta even if he can’t abuse Infinity Edge like other champions.
1 – Jhin

Sniper marksman Jhin is understandably one of the most popular champions at the moment. With his bursty tool kit, he’s able to deal massive amounts of damage while providing a good amount of utility to his team.
Jhin’s just a really fun and unique ADC as well, whose reload mechanic makes him play more like a burst mage rather than a traditional run-of-the-mill ADC.