The latest awesome creation from Fortnite’s creative mode is straight out of the Avengers

Bill Cooney

Ever since the introduction of Fortnite’s new Creative Mode, players have been making some pretty impressive creations, but this monster recreation of Tony Stark’s Tower from the Avengers might be the most awesome yet.

Fortnite’s new creative mode allows players to make their own custom buildings and map areas using materials already found in the game.

Players have already made some crazy structures, but this recreation of Tony Stark’s tower from the Avengers movies might be one of the most impressive so far.

The design was posted to /r/FortniteCreative by user Sputeit and features over 50 floors with 20 decorated levels, taking up a whopping 95k of memory

Sputeit even posted a video walkthrough of his giant Tower creation, which he affectionately calls: Tony’s Tower.

There’s a rooftop airstrip with Stormwings, a full garage and even office space and a cafeteria for some of the people lower on the totem pole than Mr. Stark.

Unfortunately, this creation won’t ever make it into “The Block” for a few reasons, the first being intellectual property rights, even though Epic did have a Thanos-themed LTM, they can’t just go using Avengers properties in Fortnite however they like.

The second reason is that structures on “The Block” can’t take up more than 50k in memory, while Tony’s Tower nearly doubles that limit.

Since Sputeit isn’t enrolled in the Fortnite Support-a-creator project, there isn’t currently a code for players to access the map, but they said they’re working on getting one, so it may not be long until we see something from Sputeit make it into The Block.