Fortnite Challenges for Week 5 of Season 5 Have Been Leaked

Albert Petrosyan

The challenges for Week 5 of Season 5 in Fortnite: Battle Royale have been leaked online.

As has become the norm nearly every week, data miners have discovered and leaked the challenges several days before they are due to be released in-game, which is likely to be on August 9.

Here is the full list of this week’s challenges, courtesy of Fortnite Tracker, a trusted database and tracking network for the popular battle royale title.

Free Challenges:

  • Search Chests in Junk Junction (7)
  • Use Rift Portals (3)
  • Eliminate Opponents in a Single Match (HARD) (3)

Battle Pass Challenges

  • Deal damage to players with a Clinger, Stink Bomb, or Grenade (300)
  • Hit a golf ball from tee to green on different holes (5)
  • Follow the treasure map found in Snobby Shores (HARD) (1)
  • Eliminate opponents in Shifty Shafts (HARD) (3)

Most of these challenges are similar to ones from past weeks and seasons, with the exception of the one that requires hitting golf balls onto greens.

This is the first week that has featured a challenge involving the golf ball emote, which is only available to those who have reached a certain level on the Battle Pass.

While Fortnite Tracker’s leaked challenges are usually spot on, there is always the chance that Epic Games may make some last minute changes before activating them in-game.

Once they are officially launched, we will provide in-depth guides on how to complete each challenge, along with an all-inclusive “cheat sheet” map.