How to fix laggy menu in Escape From Tarkov

Alan Bernal

Navigating the menus in Escape from Tarkov can be a finicky experience, with players reporting stutters and lags throughout the game – but a simple method can quickly resolve those problems.

While having a good framerate in the menus isn’t as important as having them in a live game, per se, it’s still a hindrance to the EFT experience that can make the title a bother to deal with.

The Tarkov community has been finding ways to amend some of the more pressing issues with the MMO-style FPS, such as the easiest way to get the best FPS performance – which has been a major point of contention with players.

Escape from Tarkov’s menus can take a while to load and navigate after a raid.

EFT guru ‘lowsisback’ gave the Tarkov community an express means to get rid of slow menus after people exit raids. Apparently, the user found that the menus actually command a lot of performance power that starts to drag the game.

“It’s me again,” lowsisback began. “I noticed that the menu slows down after you end a raid, so even after the first raid, the menu is eating more performance if ‘auto-ramcleaner’ isn’t enabled.”

Simply put, they recommend turning ON the Auto-Ramcleaner (ARC), or else players could see that the “frametimes and responsibility are very bad,” which will result in those laggy menus.

Turning off ARC could make EFT menus run smoothly.

Prior to the 12.5 patch, the user actually recommended people to switch off ARC, which resulted in better performances, at the time.

However, after the new update landed for the FPS, ARC is impacting how the game runs, resulting in slow and laggy menus.

Whether you’re switching options on or off, you’ll still need to restart your game for the changes to be applied.

The EFT trick fixes one of a few problems seen in the first person shooter.

This might be the easiest fix for some of the game’s more pressing issues, one of which includes a heinous Ultra Medical exploit that’s letting players enter rooms without power or a key.

While players are still waiting for a fix to that, EFT has been making noticeable strides to improving everything from its gameplay to its performance inside and out of the Norvinsk region.

For now, make sure to use the quick tip in Escape from Tarkov to avoid the frustrating lag in the menus.