xQc clutches Resident Evil 2 puzzle in hilarious fashion

Connor Bennett

Félix ‘xQc’ Lengyel has become super popular for becoming enraged while playing games, especially ones he is new to, however, when he does end up doing something brilliant – it provides some classic highlights and reactions for his fans.

xQc, like many of Twitch’s top streamers, has been playing the new remake of Resident Evil 2 to relive some of the nostalgia from their early gaming years. The game was originally released in 1998 but the remake was released recently on January 25.

The game is as difficult as it’s 1998 counterpart and can baffle some players. However, xQc performed one of the biggest clutches in the game when presented with a puzzle, providing fans one of his best Twitch clips yet.

xQc has shot to popularity since transitioning to Twitch.

The former Overwatch pro had just under a minute to solve a three-circuit puzzle that involved him flipping switches to make a circuit flow in the direction he wanted. With the time ticking down, xQc got ever close to failing the task before clutching up and completing the final two circuits in quick succession with less than a second of the time remaining.

“Oh my God! Holy shit! There was like one point two (left on the countdown). Oh my God, I can’t believe it,” xQc screamed out upon completing the puzzle, clearly delighted with himself while almost falling out of his chair and off stream.

The clip will no doubt only endear him further to his loyal fans who adore almost everything he does.

Since transitioning to Twitch from the Overwatch League, xQc has shot up the popularity charts due to incredibly funny highlights clips like this where his full entertaining personality is on show for all to see.