H3H3’s Ethan Klein slams Jake Paul for alleged gambling scam fiasco

Popular YouTuber Ethan Klein of comedy duo ‘H3H3’ is joining the ranks of YouTubers calling out Jake Paul and Ricegum for promoting an alleged scam site in their recent videos – as well as potentially advertising a gambling service to their young audiences.
Jake Paul uploaded a video on December 30 advertising the website ‘MysteryBrand.net,’ a service that allows users to pay a set amount of money to open a box of their choice with the chance of winning luxury items and name-brand clothing – or nothing at all.
Paul’s video has since garnered widespread criticism from viewers, with one fan claiming that she got scammed out of a “large amount of money” in a comment.
Ethan Klein is the latest to take issue with Paul’s video, which he analyzed in his own video on January 2. Klein noticed how excited and off-the-wall Paul seemed while promoting the website, and expressed concern that he was encouraging gambling in his relatively young viewer base.
“I don’t think I need to look much deeper into this to know it’s a very strange, overseas scam,” Klein stated. “…when you introduce what is quite literally gambling to an eight to 12 year old… and this is supposed to be a family friendly site. This is bananas.”
Paul went on to react to Klein’s video on Twitter, writing, “Love this video,” in response to his Tweet.
Klein answered Paul’s post with an incredulous reply. “You loved being called out for selling a gambling scam to underage kids?” Klein responded. “K.”
Klein isn’t the only YouTuber to have called out Paul for the scheme, either; Drama Alert’s KEEMSTAR likewise took issue with the website, calling out Paul in a Tweet on December 30.
You loved being called out for selling a gambling scam to underage kids? K https://t.co/mWsJGnnZ4j
— Ethan Klein (@h3h3productions) January 2, 2019
Jake Paul has since responded to Klein’s reply, confirming his stance by writing, “Yes, love it!”
Yes love it!! :black_heart:
— Jake Paul (@jakepaul) January 3, 2019