M0nesy uncovers insane infinite nades bug in Counter-Strike 2

Eliana Bollati
CS2 gameplay

An infinite nade bug was found in Counter-Strike 2, by G2 player, Ilya “m0NESY” Osipov, who jumped on Twitter to outline the exploit and tell developers it needed a fix “asap”.

Counter-Strike 2 is a popular title, however fans of the game do sometimes share glitches and bugs they encounter while playing through the game.

Streamer m0nesy the latest well known figure in the space to reveal one such bug via Twitter.The tweet in question shared by m0nesy tells states, “yo guys, I saw the bug, you can buy infinity nades in the game.”

He then went on to explain exactly how the bug could be triggered, with follower reactions a mix of disbelief and amusement.

“How do you even find this?” Asked one user, “bro, can you not find a bug faster than the devs for once?” Said another.

Shortly after m0nsey’s tweet CS2 devs rushed out a hotfix.

It’s not the first crazy bug CS2 has seen this year, in October a bug which left players literally legless emerged, it too required a swift fix from developers at Valve.

The infinite nades bug is one more for the list of crazy CS2 bugs which have frustrated and disappointed players.

Counter strike 2 gameplay
The infinite nades exploit is one in a long list of bugs, which have troubled since Counter-Strike 2 since its launch.

The game’s launch back in September also saw considerable issues, including problems with hitboxes and character models, leading many players to complain it felt unfinished.

In fact, back in October it took the title for the lowest rated game in Steam’s history.

That said, it’s still sitting comfortably at number one in the top games on Steam Charts, so despite their scruples, CS2 fans are still playing.