Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Cosplayer rages into battle as Eivor

Bill Cooney

The latest game in the Assassin’s Creed series, called Valhalla, was only recently released – but that hasn’t stopped cosplayers from already bringing the game’s characters into the real world.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla will take players back to the Viking Age as Eivor, a warrior who doesn’t exactly fit the traditional, stealthy Assassin mold we’ve come to know.

Vikings weren’t particularly known for the smoke and mirrors tactics that have become a favorite of players in the AC series, so Eivor will be unlike any protagonist that’s been featured before – and it’s looking like cosplays of the character are shaping up to be the same way.

Just because Eivor is a Viking, doesn’t mean they can’t be stealthy, though.

One of the best takes on the male version of Eivor we’ve seen comes from ‘Taryn_Cosplay’ on Instagram, who has basically become our dimension’s version of the latest Assassin.

Taryn’s hair and beard are a dead ringer for the character, and the tunic is also an exact match down to the fold on the red cloth at his side.

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WARS will RAGE. KINGDOMS will FALL. This is the age of the AXE.⁣ ◾EIVOR – AC: VALHALLA⁣ ⁣ Odin is With Us! ❤️⁣ Just a First preview of my Eivor cosplay from the upcoming Assassin's creed Valhalla.⁣ ⁣ In the last two weeks I was totally focused on this cosplay and I did my best to embrace perfectly everything of this new character.⁣ The most of you know me and know the way I work. I put all my skills, passion and love in the making of this costume and..a huge satisfaction has come..?⁣ ⁣ I'm happy and proud to announce that I'll have in opportunity to collaborate with @ubisoftitalia and @assassinscreedgame_it in future ❤️⁣ I'm so excited about what's going to come and I'll tell you more as soon as possible ?⁣ ⁣ As said this is jus a taste of what I'm going to do with this cosplay. Soon, very soon I'll have a dedicated professional shooting and me and my team will create something epic for you all ?⁣ ⁣ Thank you to all those who always believe in me, in my work and every day give me strength supporting me with much love and support.⁣ Now, enjoy the epicness of this amazing character and, if you appreciated, don't forget to Share! ?⁣ I'll keep doing my best for you all, working hard and with my heart, keep giving you high quality cosplay content. ?⁣ ⁣ #assassinscreedvalhalla #assassinscreed #ubisoftquebec #eivor #love #passion #art #vikings #odin #assassinscreed #ubisoft #performer #official #valhalla

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An Assassin’s most important tools are the weapons they carry, and this cosplay takes that to heart with perfect recreations of Eivor’s two massive Viking axes.

The wristguards are looking ready to carry the signature Hidden Blade, which as we know from Valhalla’s devs, Eivor wears on the top of their wrist – another element that makes them different than any other protagonist in the series, so far.

Taryn even threw in the adorable raven sidekick, who we’re sure to see more of once we finally get to play the game once it comes out sometime in the 2020 holiday season.

There are still a lot of details to be revealed about the next AC game, but we do know the map will have a feature similar to Red Dead Redemption 2’s home bases in the single-player campaign.

More information is sure to be released as we get closer to the end of the year, so stick with Dexerto for all the latest Valhalla info and news as it’s released.

Until the game comes out, we’d expect to see more fantastic Viking Assassin cosplay from Taryn as the date draws near, based on his history of awesome Witcher and other video game-focused cosplay on Instagram.

About The Author

Bill is a former writer at Dexerto based in Iowa, who covered esports, gaming and online entertainment for more than two years. With the US team, Bill covered Overwatch, CSGO, Influencer culture, and everything in between.