Octane and Methodz Respond to Criticism for Playing Black Ops 4 Beta Instead of WWII

Ross Deason

OpTic Gaming’s Sam ‘Octane’ Larew and Anthony ‘Methodz’ Zinni have responded to criticism for playing the Black Ops 4 beta instead of practicing for the 2018 Call of Duty World Championship.

One of Octane’s Twitch viewers said “you should be playing WWII and trying to win an event, not playing a beta”.

But the former Luminosity player shut this statement down straight away, saying: “Listen guys, if we could be playing WWII, don’t you think I would be playing WWII right now?”

Methodz followed up in typical Methodz fashion, saying: “We could be, but we would be shooting bots or playing ranked play. And I think I think I’d rather watch my father shower than do either of those!”

With the Call of Duty World Championship set to take place from August 15 to 19, the timing of the Black Ops 4 beta is rather awkward for the 32 teams that will be attending the one and a half million dollar event.

However, Octane and Methodz made it clear that getting good practice (scrims or similar) on WWII was not an option at the time of the stream, presumably because everyone else was either offline or also playing the beta.

Octane and Methodz have both won events in Call of Duty: WWII with previous teams but have only managed to secure a 5th-6th at CWL Anaheim and a 7th-8th at the CWL Pro League Stage 2 Playoffs since joining OpTic Gaming.

eUnited’s James ‘Clayster’ Eubanks faced similar critics when he was playing the Black Ops 4 beta but said “we just got done scrimming a whole series against EG, we can enjoy our time off!”.