Black Ops 4 Multiplayer will feature dances, gestures, and sprays

Albert Petrosyan

New information leaked about the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 title suggests that the game will include an emoting and sprays system.

A user on Reddit has posted a video of pre-launch Black Ops 4 gameplay, in which he shows the new system that allows players to perform dances and gestures.

At any point during a MP match, players will be able to bring up a wheel of gestures and sprays and scroll through it to select a specific one.

Once a gesture or spray is chosen, according to the posted video, the view will go from first-person to third-person and the on-screen character will begin performing the chosen action.

Since servers for Black Ops 4 multiplayer have not yet been enabled, it’s not 100% certain that this option will be available online. But if it is, it would be historic, as it would be the first of its kind to appear in the long series of Call of Duty titles.

Additionally, logic would dictate that this feature would also be translated into the Blackout battle royale mode of Black Ops 4. 

Traditionally, most battle royale games have featured some sort of emoting system, and Treyarch have already confirmed that in-game gestures will be available in Blackout.

However, users who commented on the video posted on Reddit pointed out a possible flaw in having this new addition in Black Ops 4 multiplayer – the ability for players to abuse gestures to third-person peek around corners.

If this feature is enabled for competitive matches such as in League Play or official CoD events, it could be exploited by players, creating a major issue. 

[The video has not been included in this article due to DMCA/copyright. The video can be viewed on Reddit by clicking here.]

About The Author

Albert is a former esports and gaming writer, focused particularly on Call of Duty and content creators. Spending over three years at Dexerto, Albert eventually now works with streamer NICKMERCS and the MFAM group. You can find Albert @AlbertoRavioli on Twitter.