Tournament organizer permanently bans Apex Legends team for teabagging teammate

Zackerie Fairfax
Apex Legends chaos theory Caustic

An 8x Predator player in Apex Legends was permanently banned – along with his entire team – from the ‘Fate Legion’ tournament circuit after teabagging his own teammate.

Teabagging has been a taunt in video games since the dawn of first-person shooters. Halo, Call of Duty, and any other video game from the early 2000s that allowed players to crouch would act as the birthplace for the age-old taunt.

But as competitive gaming has evolved, so has taunting. In-game emotes would replace manual maneuvers, and trash talk would filter out racist/sexist obscenities – for the most part. This has led to old-school gamers often using the phrase “you wouldn’t survive in a 2006 CoD lobby.”

However, teabagging has stood the test of time. It’s used in professional-level competitions, in every shooter from Overwatch to Apex Legends, and by players from every skill range. But a tournament organizer named ‘Fate Legion’ recently disqualified and banned an entire team of players during an Apex Legends tourney for teabagging… each other.

Apex Legends players banned for teabagging

Dilly, an 8x Apex Predator competitive player, recently played in an Apex Legends tournament hosted by Fate Legion. Part of the way through the tourney, Dilly’s team won a fight against an opponent, but not without losing his teammate “daftwalrus55”.

After the skirmish, Dilly went to his teammate’s death box and teabagged it. Watching this unfold live, Fate Legion stated, “Yo! Dilly is disqualified. I’m not taking that at all. We’re here to create a safe space for all gamers, and that kind of stuff will not be tolerated.”

Dilly and his teammate esotic TTV attempted to explain that he teabagged his own teammate, but Fate Legion stated it didn’t matter. “When you’re in a tournament, you can’t be doing that. Sportsmanship. Sportsmanship. Sportsmanship,” Legion stated after shutting down the lobby and banning Dilly and his teammates from all future ‘Fate Legion” tournaments.

Dilly posted a compilation video of Fate Legion’s actions to Twitter with a thread of reasons why the organizer’s actions were unprofessional.

Summit1g and pros respond to Dilly’s ban

The video was then shared by Full Squad Gaming’s Jake Lucky which drew the attention of notable members of the gaming community.

Twitch streamer summit1g responded saying, “Oh boy. Every time someone killed me on LAN in 1.6 I was verbally reminded how bad I was as loud as possible.”

Pro Apex player SSG Dropped stated, “LMFAO bro can’t even tbag his own teammate.” Ghost Aeolus couldn’t believe the ban was real stating, “There’s simply no way”

Plenty of streamers and members of esports organizations shared the same sentiment, with many using the iconic “2008 CoD lobbies” as proof gamers are going soft.

Fate Legion has yet to respond to the backlash for his actions, but we will be sure to provide an update if and when he does.