Life is Strange players convinced new Apex Legends character is a copy

Brianna Reeves
new Apex Legends character

Some Life is Strange fans think Respawn took inspiration from Chloe Price when designing the new Apex Legends character, Catalyst.

A defensive Legend, Catalyst will join the Apex Legends line-up with the advent of Season 15 – Eclipse – on Tuesday, November 1.

To the delight of many, Catalyst is the first trans character in Apex history. And Respawn recently offered more details about her backstory in a new Story from the Outlands video.

This glimpse into Catalyst’s past depicts a disagreement with a friend about how best to save the moon of Boreas. Nestled within this brief tale are also the presumed beginnings of something deeper.

LiS fans think Chloe inspired Apex Legends’ new character

Following the release of the Catalyst story trailer, Reddit user Rodya003 posed a question to the Apex Legends community on Reddit.

The player thinks Catalyst may have been inspired by Life is Strange’s Chloe Price. It’s not just because of the blue streaks in the former’s hair, either.

In the aforementioned trailer, Catalyst and her best friend, Margot, are separated following an attack. Prior to said attack, a scene between the two suggests at least one of them may foster underlying romantic feelings for the other.

Chloe’s relationship with her friend, Rachel, is strikingly similar. And a comparison photo showing the two different pairs leads some to believe Chloe and Rachel influenced Catalyst and Margot.

A few people in the Reddit thread agree with the original poster’s assumption, with one person noting, “I felt a LiS vibe while watching the story.”

Others disagree, however, saying they were reminded of Vi and Caitlyn, or Vi and Jinx, in Netflix’s Arcane series. Some users mentioned getting Misty from Cyberpunk 2077 vibes from Margot.

The source of inspiration aside, Catalyst comes to Apex Legends when Eclipse launches on November 1.