Apex players debate whether Wraith or Horizon is the ‘sweatiest’ Legend
Respawn EntertainmentApex Legends is notorious for being filled with ‘sweaty’ players who attempt to take on entire enemy squads by themselves, and while Wraith used to be the leader of the pack, some players think there’s a new face of the movement.
Since the launch of Ranked back in Season 2, Apex Legends has carried a renewed focus on competitive play and a few Legends stand out from the field in that regard.
In the eyes of the community, Wraith has always been the quintessential ‘tryhard’ Legend. The one who would spark fear in the hearts of casuals as she calmly Voidwalks in and out of fights, cleaning up entire lobbies on her own.
However, one player has noticed a definite trend in their Season 14 games and they think that a new candidate has taken over the top spot for the ‘sweatiest’ character in the Apex Games.
Apex Legends players dub Horizon the new ‘sweat Legend’ over Wraith
It’s no secret that Horizon’s pick rate has skyrocketed up over the last two seasons, and now that her tactical ability has been adjusted once again, that trend doesn’t seem like it’s going to stop anytime soon.
That’s what caused one fan to make a Reddit post asking who the community believes best represents the hardcore players the best.
The community seems to be in agreement all around about this shift. Several commenters looked to the pick rates of high ELO lobbies to prove their point. One fan even pinpointed the average rank of each Legend for further proof.
“It’s Horizon at Plat 3, Seer at plat 4, then Pathfinder, Wraith, and Maggie at Gold 1,” they noted.
While some of the casual fans may still see Wraith as the sort of final boss of Apex Legends due to her 1v3 potential, there has definitely been a shift in terms of expectation over the last two or three seasons and Horizon has clearly made her mark on the entire player base.