Apex Legends takes away unreleased skins from players after Apex Packs blunder

Calum Patterson
Apex Legends skins unreleased dark depths

Respawn Entertainment, developers of Apex Legends, have quickly removed a set of unreleased skins that were seemingly accidentally available in-game early, with players receiving the items from regular packs. These items included new Legendary and Epic skins for various characters.

On December 7, the Raiders Collection event went live in Apex Legends, bringing with it new cosmetics, the Wattson heirloom, and the Winter Express LTM.

But, when the event first released, players got more skins than they bargained for. Opening regular Apex packs, some players noticed that they were receiving skins that had not been revealed at all.

Were they secret skins released as a surprise? Or was it an accident on the devs part? Unfortunately, it was most certainly the latter, as not even an hour after the bug was discovered, the skins had been totally removed from the game.

Unreleased skins accidentally released in Apex

The surprise content included some incredible character skins for Horizon, Fuse and Loba.

Players were understandably elated if they were lucky enough to receive the items in packs, including one player who scooped up the ‘Broseidon’ skin for Fuse.

All of the skins had a sea theme, and are believed to part of an upcoming event called ‘Dark Depths’. You can see all of the unreleased skins that were revealed here, which also include Valkyrie, Rampart and weapons skins.

Apex players lose unreleased skins

Despite initial excitement at receiving these items, the players who packed them very quickly turned disappointed, as the skins were removed from their inventory soon after.

Some players had packed multiple skins too, all of which were simply removed without warning, meaning their packs effectively only rewarded them with two items rather than three.

The question now is whether players who got these skins in packs will have them returned to them when the skins are actually officially released, which should be later in Season 11.

The Dark Depths event has not officially been announced by Respawn at all, so we’ll have to wait for updates.