Apex Legends pro Albralelie fears 30-30 Repeater could be “broken” in Season 14

Alex Garton
30-30 Repeater meta Apex Legends

Apex Legends pro player Mac ‘Albralelie’ Beckwith has explained why the 30-30 Repeater could be a “pocket Kraber” in Season 14 thanks to the hop-up changes.

Apex Legends Season 14 is scheduled to arrive on August 9 and it’s going to introduce the new character Vantage, Kings Canyon map changes, and a long-awaited level cap increase.

Alongside this, a set of huge weapon changes are going to completely shift the meta in the Hunted update, including buffs to the EVA and of course, the Wingman now using Sniper ammo.

However, an addition that seems to be getting overlooked is the arrival of Skullpiercer hop-up for the 30-30 Repeater.

While this has gone under the radar for most of the community, Albralelie thinks the underused weapon could be “broken” in Season 14.

30-30 Repeater Apex Legends

Albralelie thinks 30-30 could be a “pocket Kraber” in Season 14

Since its debut in the Outlands back in Season 8, the 30-30 Repeater has never managed to gain a foothold in the meta or become a popular pick.

Although the gun has extremely efficient ammo consumption and has been praised by pros like ImperialHal, its slow rate of fire means most of the community avoids it completely.

Well, Apex pro Albralelie thinks that’s about to change when the Skullpiercer hop-up is available for the gun, as it’s going to hit harder than ever in Season 14.

Not only that, he thinks paired with Rampart wall, it could be a “pocket Kraber” that’s capable of one-shotting certain opponents, making it a potentially “broken” option in Hunted.

Topic starts at 0:33

As showcased by Zipp, Albralelie noted that the base full charge headshot with the 30-30 Repeater deals 96 damage in Season 13.

He’s hoping that with the Skullpeircer, it’ll jump to 120, and through a Rampart wall, it’ll hit for between 140 and 150 damage.

For now, we’ll just have to wait and see but either way, there’s a very high chance the 30-30 Repeater is going to be an immensely strong gun next season.