Apex Legends devs respond to backlash from pros over state of ranked

Alex Garton
Apex Legends ranked

A number of Apex Legends developers have taken to Twitter to respond to complaints from the community and pros over the poor state of ranked play.

There’s no denying that every single online FPS title in the genre suffers from cheaters and DDoSers. However, it’s only when these hackers begin to make an appearance in the majority of games that a community begins to raise its voice.

Well, that’s exactly what’s happened in Apex Legends, with pros and casuals alike complaining about the abundance of players using third-party software in their games.

Whether it’s DDoS attacks that crash the matches or infinite laser beams that lock onto players from across the map, they’re all incredibly frustrating for players to experience.

Now, after various pros have openly complained and #SaveApexRanked has been created on Twitter, a set of devs have responded to the community’s criticism and addressed the state of ranked.

Apex Legends state of ranked
Apex Legends was released all the way back in 2019.

Apex Legends devs respond to backlash over state of ranked

Apex Legends pro player NRG sweet began the Twitter discussion over the state of ranked on June 28 with a Twitlonger and the use of #SaveApexRanked.

In his tweet, sweet details his frustration with ranked play and the abundance of cheaters that make it almost impossible to win a game at certain times of the day. On top of this, he voices that the community will no longer be satisfied with promises from Respawn and encourages them to speak with their actions.

As expected, it didn’t take Apex’s director of communication, Ryan R. Rigney, long to respond. The Respawn employee acknowledged that sweet had raised a lot of valid complaints, but did argue that making out that the devs were attempting to trick the player base was unproductive.

“There are very valid complaints in here, we’ve gotta crack down on cheating and make real progress… Idk why you’d reframe an effort to communicate as an attempt to fool players. Unproductive”.


Apex Legends game designer, Brian Vidoc, also responded to the hashtag on Twitter, praising the community for their passion over the issues facing ranked.

However, the employee emphasized how difficult the cheating problem is to resolve and asked the player base to be patient with the devs.

“This #SaveApexRanked discourse really tells me one thing, people care so much about Apex… I get the frustration BUT game development is insanely difficult, it is nonsense any games ever get finished, but I get it, please be patient, we’ll fix it, we always do.”