Apex Legends dev responds to annoying Treasure Pack glitch

David Purcell

Apex Legends players shouldn’t have to wait much longer for the frustrating problems involving Treasure Packs to be sorted in-game, as a fix has been confirmed to be coming soon. 

Members of the community have been flagging this as an issue since the quests began at the beginning of Season 5, where a pop-up message keeps telling them the same thing over and over again. That, and an annoying coin noise that comes with it.

If you were one of those wondering when this would be resolved, fear not, as one of the dev team have finally responded to a fan and given them the answer we’ve all been waiting for.

You're going to have to run away from plenty of Prowlers in this week's Apex Legends Broken Ghost quest.
Apex Legends quests have been a hit since they were added, but one issue has made it quite annoying for some.

On June 2, Twitter user RasBruh pinged a screenshot of the Treasure Pack problem over to designer Jason McCord, along with a tongue in cheek question. They said: “Hey Jason, how many heirloom shards will it cost to stop this popping up post-game?”

Soon enough, the Design Director hit them up with a reply, claiming that it should be put to bed some time in the near future – or more specifically, in the next patch.

Unfortunately there was no timeframe put on that next patch, and it’s yet to be flagged on the game’s official Trello board, which features others like like buzzing audio sounds and reconnect issues some players have been experiencing.

After getting an answer for free, however, the original poster added a cheeky Caustic reference: “No worries JJ, I’ll preserve my heirloom shards for the next Caustic item in the heirloom shop, I see everything.”

Once this has been fixed in-game, we’ll be sure to hit you up with the patch notes and all of the details.