Apex Legends fans spark debate by claiming it’s “dead” for casual players

Brianna Reeves
apex legends casual players

Apex Legends players have sparked a debate in the community, discussing whether or not Respawn’s battle royale is still fun for casual players.

Apex Legends is approaching its four-year anniversary, and millions of players still take up in-game arms every day.

Plenty of users are bonafide Apex veterans, having mastered the game in many respects in the last three-plus years.

But newcomers regularly enter the fray as well, trying their hand at all the popular battle royale has to offer. Unfortunately, the experience isn’t always kind to those who’ve yet to reach higher levels.

Fans debate whether Apex Legends is still fun for casual players

In a post that now boasts 3,000 upvotes, Reddit user Cseresznyebog put forth the argument that Apex Legends is “dead for casuals.”

According to the Redditor, matches too often feature high-level players who “just want to stomp on lower-skilled players because they are not good enough.”

Cseresznyebog adds that improved matchmaking would work wonders, as their enjoyment of Apex would increase tenfold against similarly skilled opponents.

Responses to the thread suggest many other Apex Legends fans agree with this talking point. Users such claim they regularly wind up in pubs and ranked matches with people who aren’t in their skill bracket.

“Yep, I solved that problem by uninstalling Apex and moving on with my life,” said another Apex player in response.

Another redditor added their voice to the chorus, saying battle royale is “terrible for the average 1kd player.”

Several others lamented that Apex Legends doesn’t really offer casual players a chance to improve. Typically, pubs should offer somewhat of a laidback experience, while ranked play is for learning. As one player opined, however, Apex only features “ranked and ranked lite.”

Of course, cheating remains an ongoing issue as well, but it seems as though many of Apex Legends’ lingering troubles would be solved with a better matchmaking system.