Apex Legends players demand change for “0/10” Arena mode

Brianna Reeves
apex legends arena mode players demand change

Frustrated Apex Legends players demand changes to the battle royale title’s often underplayed Arena Mode, with one user rating it a 0 out of 10.

Respawn Entertainment added Arenas as a permanent Apex Legends fixture in a May 2021 update for Season 9.

Notably, the 3v3 competitive mode eliminates the scattered chaos of the usual 20-person skirmishes, allowing players to focus on survival tactics.

The mode quickly grew in popularity, though bugs, matchmaking hiccups, and other areas in need of a rework saw much of the community leave Arenas in the dust.

Every so often, however, some Apex Legends faithful try giving the mode an honest chance, only to find themselves wading through disappointment yet again.

Apex Legends players are still unhappy with Arena Mode

Despite the community reducing Arenas to a “dead” mode, Redditor YulaiTav said they recently gave it another shot. The player went on to describe the experience as the “worst hour I’ve had in a long time.”

During YulaiTav’s sessions, squadmates either disconnected from the game or paid the match no mind. As a whole, the user rated their return to the mode a “0/10.”

Other Apex Legends players have since chimed in, claiming that they, too, rarely enjoy playing Arenas. Some like mrk_is_pistol argue the mode either needs a rework or outright removal.

Players such as MineRaver61w and Probuzcut think fixes related to hammerpoints, inefficient teammates, and poor matchmaking could work wonders for Arenas. And many agree its return to a list of rotating Limited-Time Modes may help, too.

At the very least, it’s clear Apex Legends users aren’t too thrilled about the current state of affairs in Arena Mode.