Zombieverse: What does oppa mean?

Daisy Phillipson
Still from Zombieverse on Netflix

Amid the release of Netflix’s South Korean unscripted horror series Zombieverse, viewers unfamiliar with the language have been asking: what does “oppa” mean? 

How would you deal with a zombie apocalypse? This is the question Zombieverse seeks to answer, placing a group of celebrity contestants in the heart of a zombie-infested Seoul. Their goal? Complete a series of challenging tasks without getting bitten. 

An important detail to remember is that while the show is unscripted, it is said to blur the lines between fiction and reality, with the contestants expressing authentic reactions as they’re faced with heart-racing quests while (very realistic looking) actors dressed as zombies chase them down. 

Throughout their interactions, you may have noticed Tsuki calling Noh Hong-chul “oppa” – but what does the term mean? There’s more to it than a simple translation, so let’s get into it. 

Zombieverse: What does oppa mean?

Oppa (오빠) is a Korean term used by women to address older males such as older brothers, close male friends, or romantic interests who are close in age. The direct translation is “older brother,” but its usage extends beyond familial ties. 

In Korean culture, age plays a crucial role in interpersonal relationships, so terms like oppa aren’t just about denoting family positions, but also showing respect to those older than you. 

In its traditional sense, oppa is a term of endearment and respect from younger women to older men within the same generation, hence why Zombieverse contestants such as Tsuki use the term to refer to peers like Noh Hong-chul.

But the word’s significance has evolved over the years. With the global rise of K-pop and Korean dramas, oppa has become synonymous with a beloved male celebrity or character. Some international fans might use the term to refer to their favorite male stars, even if they don’t understand the full cultural context.

In Korean dramas or movies, when a female character refers to her romantic interest as oppa, it often indicates a level of closeness, comfort, or affection. 

But it’s important to note that while the term might sound casual and affectionate, using it inappropriately or outside its intended context might lead to misunderstandings. In South Korea, using honorifics and age-specific titles appropriately is crucial for showing a certain level of respect. 

Zombieverse is streaming on Netflix now. You can check out more of our coverage below: